(A)   No person within the city under the age of 21 years, unless at the direction of a peace officer of the state or otherwise authorized by Illinois law, shall solicit any person of the age of 21 years or greater, which adult person is not the soliciting person's custodial parent or guardian, to solicit to obtain cannabis for possession or consumption by any person under the age of 21. Nor shall the person under 21 solicit the person over the age of 21 to carry out or attempt to obtain cannabis by any means at all, including, but not limited to:
      (1)   Presentation of forged or false identification in an establishment that sells cannabis;
      (2)   The presentation of another's identification in an establishment that sells cannabis;
      (3)   The direct request of another person for purposes of purchasing cannabis for use by the soliciting person or intended by the purchaser for delivery to or possession by any person whomsoever under the age of 21; or
      (4)   The person under 21 directly requesting a person over the age of 21 to provide cannabis at any social function or gathering, whether public or private where it is intended to be made available to persons under the age of 21 years.
   (B)   For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      SOLICIT or SOLICITATION. To command, authorize, urge, incite, request or advise another to commit an offense.
   (C)   Nothing in this cannabis anti-solicitation section shall preclude sanctions and remedies available to the state or any other jurisdiction as regards administrative punishment for use of a false, altered or forged identification instrument or operator's license.
   (D)   Fines or penalties for violation of this section shall be identical to those as this Council may set from time to time for violations of § 111.084 as regards possession alcohol by a minor or consumption of alcohol by a minor, provided, however, this section shall not constitute a conviction of possession of cannabis as a minor.
(Ord. 9395, passed 12-9-2019) Penalty, see § 136.99