(A)   Containers shall be furnished by the licensee and be constructed of metal, durable plastic, or rubber. Metal containers shall be painted to prevent rust and corrosion.
   (B)   Licensee may in lieu of providing a container provide readily identifiable plastic bags.
   (C)   Containers and/or plastic bags shall have on the front or side, the name and telephone number of the hauler legibly printed in letters at least one inch high. Containers provided to dwellings as part of a municipality-wide service may instead use an identification code or city logo. Licensee must use a different color from the city's.
   (D)   Containers shall be outfitted with tight-fitting lids or other covers approved by the Director of Administrative Services.
   (E)   Containers shall be constructed with wide necks and mouths and tapered sides to prevent clogging and littering if containers are emptied manually.
   (F)   Containers shall be maintained in a clean condition and in good repair including repainting if necessary to prevent rust and corrosion. The hauler shall have the proper facilities and equipment to clean and repair the waste containers provided or the hauler shall have working arrangements with a person who provides that service. The hauler shall plan and work with the property owner or occupant or both for placement of the storage containers to minimize traffic or other hazards and the prevention of a nuisance. Containers shall be placed in areas least offensive to adjoining properties and shall not be placed or located on a parking strip, except for the day of collection, or stored within three feet of an adjoining property.
   (G)   Containers shall be designed and constructed in a way that they can be emptied without the hauler coming into physical contact with the solid waste.
   (H)   Containers shall be emptied weekly or at another interval approved by the Director of Administrative Services.
   (I)   Containers not meeting these requirements shall not be used without approval from the Director of Administrative Services.
(Ord. 9272, passed 1-5-2015)