Applications for a license shall be made to the city upon such form and in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Director of Administrative Services, said form to elicit the following information and to be accompanied by supporting documents and such other information as may be required by the Director of Administrative Services from time to time:
   (A)   Name of applicant. If the applicant is a partnership, corporation, or LLC the name(s) and business address(es) of the principal officers and stockholders and other persons having any financial or controlling interest of 5% or greater in the partnership or corporation. Provided, however, that if the corporation is a publicly owned corporation having more than 25 shareholders, then only the names and business addresses of the local managing officers shall be required.
   (B)   Character of applicant. The applicant for a permit under this section, if an individual or in the case of a firm, corporation, partnership, association or organization, any person having any financial, controlling or managerial interest of 5% or greater therein, shall be of good moral character. In making such determination, the following information, which shall be submitted by applicant, shall be considered:
      (1)   Business history. Whether such applicant has operated a solid waste collection-removal business in this or another state under a license, permit or license and if so, where and whether such license, permit or license has ever been revoked or suspended and the reasons therefor.
      (2)   Existence of business entity. If applicant is a partnership, corporation, or LLC, applicant shall submit proof of incorporation in good standing in the state of incorporation and, if a foreign corporation, applicant shall provide information certifying that applicant is qualified to do business in the State of Illinois. If applicant is other than a partnership, corporation or LLC and is operating under a fictitious name, applicant shall be required to submit information that such fictitious name is registered and held by applicant.
   (C)   Equipment and method of operation. The applicant for a license shall possess equipment capable of providing safe and efficient service. In making such a determination and approving the method of operation for each applicant, the Director of Administrative Services shall require the following information:
      (1)   The type, number and complete description of all equipment to be used by the applicant for providing service pursuant to this chapter, including VIN numbers.
      (2)   A statement that the applicant will use city-approved facilities for disposing of all solid waste which the applicant collects and removes.
      (3)   The names of customers and addresses of each location served.
   (D)   Insurance requirements. Licensee agrees to maintain for the duration of the agreement, insurance purchased from a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the State of Illinois and having a rating of at least an A-minus as rated by A.M. Best Ratings. Such insurance will protect licensee from claims which may arise out of or result from its operations under the agreement and for which licensee may be legally liable, whether such operations be by licensee or by a sub vendor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The applicant for license shall furnish to the city a certificate of insurance that states the city has been named as an insured by licensee's insurance carrier. Specifically, this certificate must include the following language: "The City of Quincy and its respective elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, vendors, attorneys and representatives, are, and have been endorsed, as additional insureds under the above referenced policy, numbers                          for general liability, on a primary and non-contributory basis for general liability and automobile liability coverage for the duration
of the contract term". This certificate shall further provide that the city shall be furnished with ten days written notice by registered mail prior to cancellation or material changes in the policies.
      (1)   Comprehensive general liability. The applicant shall provide and maintain at all times during the contract, for the mutual benefit of the applicant and the city, listing the city as an additional insured, a commercial general liability policy or policies, including a contractual liability endorsement, acceptable to the Director of Administrative Services covering applicant's operations in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and $2,000,000 annual aggregate and $1,000,000 per occurrence for property damage and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. Said policy or policies shall provide that the policy or policies may not be canceled by the insurer without first giving the city at least 30 days' prior written notice.
      (2)   Vehicle liability insurance. Applicants shall provide and maintain at all times during the contract, for the mutual benefit of the applicant and the city, listing the city as an additional insured, vehicle liability insurance, sometimes referred to as business auto coverage, covering each vehicle utilized in the business of solid waste collection and disposal in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limits per occurrence on an annual basis, for both bodily injury and property damage. Said policy or policies shall provide that the said policy or policies may not be canceled by the insurer without first giving the city at least 30 days' prior written notice.
      (3)   Workers' compensation insurance. Workers' compensation insurance covering all liability of licensee arising under the Workers' Compensation Act and Occupational Diseases Act; limits of liability not less than statutory requirements.
      (4)   Insurance policies. The city shall be provided by licensee and licensee's insurance company copies of actual policies relevant to this section within 14 days of a written request for such policies to verify the appropriate coverages for the city are maintained.
      (5)   Liability of the city. The above insurance requirements shall not be construed as imposing upon the city or any official or employee thereof any liability or responsibility for injury to any person or property by the insured, his agents or employees.
   (E)   Proof of federal, state or county permits and licenses. The applicant for a license shall provide proof of federal, state and/or county permits and licenses.
   (F)   The completed application shall be submitted to the city. Upon receipt of a completed application, the Director of Administrative Services or his/her designated representative shall review said application and, if satisfactory in all respects, and after payment of required license fee of $1,000, per company to the City Clerk, the City Clerk shall issue the license.
   (G)   Applications for a license will be accepted for six months from and after the adoption of this subchapter. Thereafter, applications will be accepted annually for a period of six weeks, at the beginning of the fiscal year.
(Ord. 9272, passed 1-5-2015)