§ 162.098 LANDSCAPING.
   (A)   Purpose. It is the purpose and intent of these regulations to provide adequate protection for contiguous property against undesirable effects caused by the creation and operation of parking and loading areas, and to protect and preserve the appearance and character of the surrounding neighborhoods through the screening effects and aesthetic qualities of landscaping. All parking and loading areas constructed after the date of this subchapter shall be properly screened and landscaped as hereinafter described.
   (B)   Definition. For purposes of this section, LANDSCAPING shall mean living green plants in combination of trees and either shrubs or ground cover, all of which are defined as follows:
      (1)   Deciduous trees having, at the time of planting, not less than a two and one-half inch caliper measured on the trunk six inches above the ground;
      (2)   Ornamental trees having, at the time of planting, not less than one and one-half inch caliper measured on the trunk six inches above the ground;
      (3)   Evergreen trees having, at the time of planting, a height of not less than four feet;
      (4)   Shrubs having, at the time of planting, a height of not less that two feet; and
      (5)   Ground cover which includes grass, ivy, juniper, wood mulch, decorative or aggregate rock or other approved pervious surfaces.
   (C)   Quality. Plant material and grasses shall be of generally acceptable varieties and species, free of insects and diseases, and hardy to the city area as listed in the Arboricultural Specifications Manual for the City of Quincy.
   (D)   Landscaping plan. An applicant for development approval who is required to install landscaping shall submit a landscaping plan along with the application for development approval to the Department of Planning and Development. The landscaping plan shall be prepared by a landscape architect or designer. The required landscaping information can also be included on the site plan. The landscaping plan shall include all of the following:
      (1)   Landscaper’s name, address and telephone number; name of development;
      (2)   Location, quantity, size and type of existing on-site natural vegetation to be utilized, if any;
      (3)   Location, quantity, size and type of proposed landscaping on a site plan, showing its relation to other site features such as utilities and easements;
      (4)   Elevation and drawings of any solid screen proposed;
      (5)   Planting time schedule;
      (6)   Trees, bushes and other significant vegetation proposed for removal;
      (7)   All proposed building footprints;
      (8)   Parking areas and driveways;
      (9)   Sidewalks and pedestrian ways;
      (10)   Scale and north arrow; and
      (11)   Any other information that may be needed to show compliance with this section.
   (E)   Landscaping requirements adjacent to streets. Where a parking lot lies adjacent to or is visible from any public or private street, the entire frontage along the parking area, excluding curb cuts or other accessways, shall be landscaped and screened as follows. See Figure 5.
      (1)   One tree and four shrubs shall be planted for every 30 feet of frontage to be located within a strip of land paralleling the adjacent street and having a width of not less than five feet. Trees do not have to be placed 30 feet on center. Strategic grouping of shrubs is encouraged.
      (2)   The landscaping strip of land paralleling the adjacent street shall be located on private property. This strip shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be planted in 80% grass (seeded or sodded) in addition to the required landscaping.
      (3)   A maximum of 50% of the required number of trees may consist of a mix of ornamental and evergreen trees.
      (4)   The required number of trees and shrubs may be reduced by up to 50% if earth sculpting, berms or decorative screening fences or walls are installed on private property along the frontage of the adjacent street to a height of not less than three feet above the grade of the parking area and, in the opinion of the Director of Planning and Development, are designed to effectively screen the parking area yet avoid erosion, drainage or maintenance problems
      (5)   No landscaping, hedge, wall, fence or berm that exceeds 24 inches in height shall be located within ten feet of any driveway opening nor otherwise located so as to interfere with the visibility of vehicles or pedestrians.
   (F)   Landscaping requirements for interior areas. Where a parking lot having 50 or more parking spaces is wholly or partially visible from an adjacent public or private street, it shall be further landscaped as follows. Any fractional result shall be increased to the next whole number.
      (1)   Quantities.
Canopy trees
1 per 15 spaces
Understory trees
1 per 10 spaces
1 per 4 spaces
      (2)   Distribution. The required landscaping shall be generally distributed throughout the parking area provided that a minimum of 25% of the required total for each plant category (large canopy trees, understory trees and shrubs) shall be planted on interior features such as islands, peninsulas or medians. Each parking space shall be located within 100 feet of a canopy tree or understory tree located anywhere on the subject property. For the purpose of this section only, this may include either an existing tree, a tree required by this section, a tree installed as buffer tree, or a tree installed as a street tree. The remaining 75% of the required total plantings may be distributed between interior features; areas within 30 feet of the outside boundary of the parking and/or driveway surface; areas between a parking surface and any principal building on the site; or in planters on any ground generally enclosed by a combination of building area, pedestrian facilities and/or parking surface.
      (3)   Interior landscaped areas shall follow the minimum dimension requirements illustrated in Figures 2 through 4.
      (4)   A maximum of 50% of the required number of trees may consist of a mix of ornamental and evergreen trees.
      (5)   The landscaping shall be in addition to any planting or landscaping within six feet of a building or other screening requirements.
   (G)   Existing trees. Existing canopy and/or understory trees located within 30 feet of the parking or driveway surface may be counted toward the requirements of this section provided that they are located on the subject property. Existing trees located in the public right-of-way do not qualify. All distances are to be measured from the nearest face of the tree trunk. Existing canopy trees with a caliper of at least ten inches, measured at 12 inches above the root crown may count as two trees. The use of existing trees shall be noted on the landscape plan.
   (H)   Maintenance of landscaping and screening. All landscaping and screenings shall be installed and permanently maintained as follows:
      (1)   All new landscaped areas shall be installed within six months after the occupancy or use of the building or premises. Dead plant materials shall be replaced within 12 months with living plant material, taking into consideration the season of the year, and shall have at least the same quantity and quality of landscaping as initially approved. This includes, but is not limited to, the replacement of plants damaged by insects, diseases, vehicular traffic, acts of God and vandalism;
      (2)   All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy, neat, trimmed, clean and weed-free condition. Landscaped areas shall be covered with either grass and/or other types of pervious ground cover located beneath and surrounding the trees and shrubs; and
      (3)   Landscaped areas immediately adjacent to an off-street parking or loading area shall be protected from the encroachment of motor vehicles by placing, along the entire perimeter of the landscaped area, a six-inch concrete barrier curb.
   (I)   Outdoor refuse collection. Refuse areas shall not be located within front yards or within required parking setbacks. Outdoor refuse collection containers and similar facilities shall be screened from public view on all four sides. The area shall be visually screened with an opaque material, which may include shrubs, walls, fences or berms that are a minimum of six feet in height. Single-family homes shall be exempt from this provision.
It is necessary to accommodate the vehicle overhang when designing landscaped areas in parking lots. Plants are often damaged if a landscape strip is not wide enough to provide for both the plants and the vehicle overhang.
   Figure 2 - Center Parking Lot Island Design
   Figure 3 - Planting Island Parallel to Parking Spaces
Note: These examples of landscape islands are intended to illustrate minimum dimension requirements only. Other design configurations are allowed and encouraged.
   Figure 4 - Minimum Landscape Island Dimensions
Landscaping Requirements
One tree and four shrubs shall be planted for every 30 feet of frontage
4 trees
16 shrubs
A maximum of 50% of the required number of trees may consist of a mix of ornamental and evergreen trees
2 ornamental trees or 2 evergreen trees
   Figure 5 - Landscaping Requirements Adjacent to Streets
(1980 Code, § 29.609) (Ord. 9268, passed 11-3-2014) Penalty, see § 162.999