This stage includes the final design of the subdivision, engineering of the public improvements, and submittal by the subdivider of the final reports and plans for all of the required subdivision improvements to the town for approval, including the submittal of the final plat for review and action by the Town Council.
(A) Submittal requirements. The final plat shall be presented in accordance with requirements set forth in this section, and shall substantially conform to the approved preliminary plat and any other applicable federal, state, and/or local law, ordinance, code, rule, regulation, policy and/or guideline. The following required information shall be shown graphically on the plans, by notes on the plans, or by supporting documentation supplied as part of the plan submittal, and may comprise several sheets showing various elements of required data. All mapped data for the same plat shall be drawn at a scale no smaller than 100 feet to the inch (80 feet to the inch is preferred), adjusted to produce an overall drawing measuring 24 inches by 36 inches. The Department may request additional information and may, during the final plat review process, modify or waive submission requirements as deemed appropriate to the size or nature of the subdivision.
(1) Final plat. The subdivider shall file with the town the original and three full size (24 inches by 36 inches) black line copies of the final plat along with copies of the approved PD (if applicable) for final review by the town, together with a letter of transmittal, indicating "Final Plat Review Requested".
(a) All final plat submittals shall provide "identification data", "survey data", "descriptive data", and "dedication and acknowledgement" information by graphic representation or note as further outlined in division (B).
(b) If the developer is planning to construct the proposed development in phases, the developer must submit separate final plats for each phase of the project. Project phases shall be consistent with the development phasing plans approved with the preliminary plat.
(2) Improvement plans. Improvement plans, reports and other documents, shall be prepared and submitted, both in hardcopy and electronic PDF format, in accordance with the procedures and standards outlined below and in compliance with the La Paz County Public Works Design and Construction Manual.
(a) Grading and drainage plans and report. Original and four prints and a narrative report that details the proposed street grades, proposed storm water retention system, street sectional details, and storm water calculations designed in compliance with this chapter and all applicable town, state, and county regulations.
(b) Paving plans. Original and four prints of a map showing the plan view and profile of the proposed on- and off-site street improvements and pavement cross section designed in compliance with this chapter and all applicable town, state, and county regulations.
(c) Water and sewer plans and report. Original and four prints of a map and a narrative report that details the proposed water and sewer distribution system designed in compliance with this chapter and all applicable town, state, and county regulations.
(d) Landscape plans. Original and one print of the final landscape plans that detail the proposed landscape design in compliance with this chapter and all applicable town, state, and county regulations.
(3) Development agreement.
(a) Following preliminary plat approval and prior to construction of any infrastructure within any development to which these regulations are applicable, the Town Manager may require an applicant to enter into a development agreement with the town that shall govern the subdivision if there are any public improvements, pro rata payments, escrow deposits or other future considerations, or if the town participates in the cost of any public improvements, there are nonstandard development regulations or for any other reason he considers applicable.
(b) The Town Manager shall prescribe the application form, documents, notice and approval process required for the preparation and implementation of each development agreement.
(4) Dedications. All streets, highways, alleys and parcels of land shown on the final plat and intended for any public use shall be offered for dedication. Such dedications shall be free of all and any encumbrances incurred subsequent to the date of filing of a final plat.
(5) Deed restrictions. The subdivision covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) shall be submitted to the town for review as part of the final plat and improvement plan submittal package. Said covenants shall provide the method of assurance that the proposed streets, landscaping, storm drainage facilities and other assets of the subdivision will be maintained in perpetuity. This includes the raising and, expenditure of funds necessary for the maintenance of any private streets shown on the map. Said covenants shall also provide for the enforcement of yard and private land use regulations proposed to be established and for their amendment.
(6) Title report. Evidence of title, which shall be in the form of a certificate of title, a Preliminary I Title Report or a Policy of Title Insurance issued by a title company authorized by the laws of the State of Arizona to write the same, showing the names of persons having any interest and any record title interest in the land to be subdivided, together with the nature of their respective interests therein. In the event that any dedication is to be made for public use of any property shown on such final map of land, the said certificates of title or policy of title insurance shall be presently defined in A.R.S. § 20-1562, as amended.
(7) Final plat and improvement plan filing fee. The subdivider shall, at the time of filing the application(s) for the final plat and improvement plans, pay the town the final plat application fee and improvement plan review fee in accordance with a separate fee schedule adopted by the Town Council.
(B) Final plat preparation. The following information shall be required as part of the final plat submittal.
(1) Identification data.
(a) A title which includes the name of the subdivision and its location by number of section, township, range, and county;
(b) Name, address and seal of the Arizona-registered land surveyor preparing the final plat;
(c) Scale, north arrow and date of final plat preparation;
(d) Sheet number in relation to total sheet count;
(e) The name, address and telephone number of the property owner;
(f) Name, address and seal of the Arizona-registered civil engineer responsible for the engineering of the proposed subdivision.
(2) Survey data.
(a) The corners of the plat shall be located on the monument lines of abutting streets; boundaries of the parcel(s) to be subdivided fully balanced and closed, showing all bearings and distances, determined by an accurate survey in the field. The surveyor of record shall also provide a copy of the computer closure, properly stamped and signed showing registration number. All dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals thereof;
(b) Any excepted parcel(s) within or surrounded by the plat boundaries shall be noted as "Not a Part of This Subdivision" and show all bearings and distances of the excepted parcel as determined by an accurate survey in the field. All dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals thereof;
(c) Location and description of cardinal points to which all dimensions, angles, bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referenced. Each of two separate corners of the subdivision traverse shall be tied by course and distance to separate section corners or quarter-section corners. All subdivision survey data including boundary bearings and distances and lot closure and area calculations shall be submitted to the town by an Arizona-registered land surveyor;
(d) A statement labeled "Map Notes" shall be shown on one sheet of the final plat. Such statements shall include the basis of bearings, what monuments were found, what monuments and pints were set, a key to symbols and abbreviation and such other information deemed by the Public Works Director to be necessary;
(e) Location of all physical encroachments upon the boundaries of the tract;
(f) Total subdivision gross acres, benchmark information and basis of bearing information;
(g) Total number of lots, tracts and parcels, and the size, in square feet, of each lot, tract or parcel. The size of lots, tracts or parcels greater than ten acres in size may be expressed in acres.
(3) Descriptive data.
(a) Names, centerlines, right of way lines, courses, length and width of all public streets, alleys, pedestrian ways, and utility easements; radii, point of tangency, curve lengths, and central angles of all curvilinear streets, and alleys, radii of all rounded street line intersections shall be shown on the plat;
(b) Centerline data, width, sidelines and purpose of all easements to which the subdivision is subject shall be noted. Distances and bearings on the sidelines of lots which are cut by an easement shall be so shown as to indicate clearly the actual lengths of the lot lines. The width of the easements and the lengths and bearings of the lines thereof and sufficient ties to locate the easements definitely with respect to the subdivision shall be shown. The easement shall be clearly labeled and identified, and if already of record, proper reference to the records given. Easements being dedicated shall be so indicated in the certificate of dedication. Easements shall be shown on the map by broken lines;
(c) All drainage easements and/or tracts shall be shown on all residential plats. No structure shall be allowed in these easements that will obstruct drainage. All major drainage ways shall be dedicated drainage easements, right-of-way or tracts as determined by the Public Works Director. Commercial and industrial plats which provide self-contained and privately owned underground drainage systems and structures shall be required to provide private drainage easements within their sites. Public drainage easements shall be required for all retention basins which accept drainage from a public street. Any channel or wash within a residential or commercial project site that has a Q100 storm event flow of 100 CFS or greater shall be contained within a drainage easement designated as a tract;
(d) All lots shall be numbered by consecutive numbers throughout the plat with no omissions or duplications. Each lot shall be shown in its entirety on one sheet. All "tracts" and "parcels" shall be designated, lettered, or named and clearly dimensioned; parcels which are not part of the subdivision shall be so designated. Ownership and maintenance responsibility for common open space areas and tracts shall be indicated on the plat;
(e) Intersecting lot lines, parcel numbers and current zoning of all adjacent property. Location of all adjoining town and county boundaries as well as subdivisions with name, date, book, and page number of recordation noted, or if unrecorded, so noted;
(f) Any proposed private deed restrictions to be imposed upon the plat or any part or parts thereof pertaining to the intended use of the land, and to be recognized by the town, shall be noted on the plat.
(4) Dedication and acknowledgment.
(a) Dedication. There shall be required as part of the final plat submittal a statement of dedication of all streets, alleys, drainage ways and drainage detention/retention basins, pedestrian/bicycle ways, equestrian trails and easements, and other easements for public use, including sanitation, utility, fire and other emergency related vehicles, executed by the person or persons holding title of record, by persons holding titles as vendees under land contract, by the spouse(s) of said parties, lien holders and all other parties having an interest in the property. If lands dedicated are liened, the lien holder shall also sign the plat. Dedication shall include a written location by section, township and range, of the tract. If the plat contains private streets, a public easement shall be reserved which shall include the right to install and maintain utilities in any approved private street, including refuse collection, fire and other emergency services.
(b) Acknowledgment of dedication. Execution of dedication shall be acknowledged and certified by a notary public.
(C) Final plat distribution. Upon receipt of a complete final plat application, the town shall forward one copy and/or digital file of the final plat and improvement plans to each of the following, as applicable to obtain additional comments: each member of the DRC, any adjacent municipality, community services, school or other duly authorized district, and to any utility company serving the area within its facilities. The staff may change the reviewing agencies and number of copies required to be filed as may be necessary.
(Ord. 21-11, passed 10-26-2021)