   The Council may adopt, by resolution, rules and regulation to give effect to this subchapter, which may be modified or changed from time to time, but such rules and regulations shall follow the generally accepted principles of good personnel administration.
(Prior Code, § 3-3-3)
   No officer, official or employee of the town shall use any influence or pressure upon any employee to obtain any assessment or contribution of money or time, either direct or indirect, for any political campaign or personal gain.
   (A)   Terms. There is hereby created a personnel board, which shall consist of three regular members and two alternate members from the citizens of the town. Regular members and alternates shall be appointed by the Mayor and Council. The terms of regular members shall be three years, so staggered that only two Board member terms expire in the same year. The terms of the alternate members shall be one year. Alternate members shall be called by the Chairperson as needed to assure a quorum is present. This Board shall be required to meet a minimum of once each year at a date and time to be determined by the members of the Board. Special meetings may be called as needed by the Chairperson. The regular members of the Board shall elect a Chairperson from their membership to conduct the meetings. The members of the Personnel Board shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council.
   (B)   Duties.
      (1)   The Board shall meet as needed to conduct hearings on qualified employee grievances and make recommendations to the Town Manager or his or her designee as the Personnel Officer. The Board may meet in executive session in accordance with the state’s Open Meeting Law, being A.R.S. §§ 38-431.01 et seq.
      (2)   The Board shall review changes to the town’s personnel policy and make recommendations to the Mayor and Council as needed.
(Prior Code, § 3-3-4)