   The Police Chief shall be the Chief of Police and he or she shall perform such duties as may be required of him or her by law and as the Council may deem necessary.
(Prior Code, § 3-2-3)
   The Town Engineer shall be appointed by the Town Manager with the concurrence of the Council. The Engineer shall have charge of the town streets, sewers and waterworks and shall perform such duties as may be required of him or her by law and such other duties as the Council may deem necessary.
(Prior Code, § 3-2-4)
   (A)   Town Attorney. The Town Attorney shall be appointed by the Council. The Town Attorney shall act as the legal counselor and advisor of the Council and other town officials and, as such, shall give his or her opinion in writing when requested by the Town Manager. The Town Attorney shall review and assist in the drafting of all deeds, contracts, conveyances, ordinances, resolutions and other legal instruments when required by the Town Manager. The Town Attorney shall approve or disapprove as to form, in writing, all drafts of contracts and all official or other bonds before final approval or acceptance thereof by the Council. The Town Attorney shall return within the time allotted by the Town Manager all ordinances and resolutions submitted for consideration by the Town Manager, with approval or disapproval as to form noted thereon, together with the reasons therefore. Except for matters handled by counsel appointed by the town’s insurance carrier, the Town Attorney shall prosecute and defend ail civil suits, actions or causes where the town is a party to the extent of the Town Attorney’s ability and in accordance with the Town Attorney’s independent professional legal judgment and in compliance with the Arizona Supreme Court’s Rule of Professional Responsibility shall report to the Council, when required, the condition of any suit or action to which the town is a party. The Town Attorney shall attend all Council meetings to advise the Council on legal issues and serve as Town Parliamentarian. Upon approval of the Town Manager, the Town Attorney’s attendance at a Council meeting may be by telephone.
   (B)   Town Prosecutor. The Town Prosecutor shall be appointed by the Council. The Town Prosecutor shall prosecute all criminal charges in the town’s Magistrate Court which are supported by probable cause within the parameters of the Arizona Supreme Court’s Rules of Professional Responsibility and prevailing standards of prosecution. The Town Prosecutor shall prosecute all civil, petty and civil traffic offenses in the town’s Magistrate Court which are supported by probable cause within the parameters of Professional responsibility and prevailing standards of prosecution if the defendant in such matters is represented by counsel.
   (C)   Validity. If any division, sentence, clause or phase of this section is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional; such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this section. The Town of Quartzsite Common Council hereby declares that it would have passed this section, and each division, clause or phase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more divisions, sentences, clauses and phases be declared unconstitutional.
(Prior Code, § 3-2-5) (Ord. 11-08, passed - -2011; Ord. 14-04, passed - -2014; Ord. 17-01, passed 1-10-2017)
   The Town Magistrate shall be appointed by the Council and shall be the presiding officer of the Magistrate’s Court. He or she shall perform those functions necessary to the maintenance of the Magistrate’s Court as provided by state statute.
(Prior Code, § 3-2-6)
   (A)   Established. The office of Zoning Administrator of the town is hereby established.
(Prior Code, § 3-5-1)
   (B)   Appointment of Zoning Administrator.
      (1)   The Zoning Administrator shall be appointed by the Town Manager with the concurrence of the Council.
      (2)   The Zoning Administrator may be the Town Manager, Town Clerk or any other individual appointed by the Council, which the Council finds to be qualified to hold said position.
(Prior Code, § 3-5-2)
   (C)   Duties of Zoning Administrator. It shall also be the duty of the Zoning Administrator to make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission as to zoning changes that are necessary in the town and, upon the filing of an application with the Zoning Commission for a change of zoning, the Zoning Administrator shall make his or her recommendations, in writing, regarding the application, citing the facts upon which he relies in making his or her decisions. The Zoning Administrator shall submit his or her recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission hearings which deal with the rezoning of any parcel of property within the town.
(Prior Code, § 3-5-3)
   (D)   Fees. The Council shall be authorized to establish a uniform schedule of fees to be charged by the Zoning Administrator for any duties performed by the Administrator, and such fee schedule shall become effective upon approval of the Council.
(Prior Code, § 3-5-4)
   (E)   Appeals. Any decision or recommendation of the Zoning Administrator shall be appealable to the Board of Adjustment as established in the zoning ordinance of the town.
(Prior Code, § 3-5-5)
(Ord. 14-04, passed - -2014)
   (A)   Created; composition. There is hereby created a Police Department for the town which shall consist of a Police Chief and as many police officers as may from time to time be deemed necessary by the Council for the safety and good order of the town.
(Prior Code, § 4-1-1)
   (B)   Appointment of officers. The Police Chief shall be appointed by the Town Manager with the concurrence of Council. The Council shall provide for the appointment of as many police officers as may from time to time be deemed necessary for the safety and good order of the town.
(Prior Code, § 4-1-2)
   (C)   Compensation of officers. The Police Chief and the police officers of the town shall be compensated as determined by the Council. The Police Chief shall not receive any perquisites, commissions or compensation for his or her services as Police Chief, except as the Council may prescribe.
(Prior Code, § 4-1-3)
   (D)   Departmental rules and regulations. The Police Department shall be operated and managed in accordance with such departmental rules and regulations as may from time to time be adopted by the Council.
(Prior Code, § 4-1-4)
   (E)   Duties of the Police Department. It is the duty of the Police Department, under the direction of the Police Chief, to:
      (1)   Enforce this code and the statutes of the state within jurisdictional limits as conferred by law and to arrest and charge the violators thereof;
      (2)   Take charge of the town jail and all prisoners confined therein, and all those who are sentenced to labor on the streets or public works of the town and to see that orders and sentences with reference to such are fully executed and complied with;
      (3)   Deliver any persons who may be confined in the jail upon conviction of a crime committed under the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court to any authorized officer of the town who shall at any time demand such prisoners. Any such authorized person so demanding and receiving such prisoners shall work such prisoners on the streets or alleys of the town or on any and all authorized work as may be determined by the Council;
      (4)   Render such account of the Police Department, its duties and receipts as may be required by the Council and keep non-confidential records of the office open to inspection by the Council at any time;
      (5)   Direct traffic and ensure the orderly flow thereof and investigate and make reports of traffic accidents;
      (6)   Inspect and ascertain the condition of traffic-control devices of every description which have been erected within the town on the authority of the Council and notify the Council of any defects found therein; and
      (7)   Perform such additional duties as may be required by the Council.
(Prior Code, § 4-1-5)
   (F)   Answering calls outside the town. The members of the Police Department are duly authorized to answer calls for aid and assistance beyond the corporate limits of the town pursuant to mutual aid agreements and state statutes.
(Prior Code, § 4-1-6)
(Ord. 90-14, passed - -1990; Res. 90-27, passed - -1990)