(A)   An applicant may appeal the decision of the Town Clerk regarding a denial, revocation or suspension to the Town Council by filing a written notice of appeal with the Town Clerk within 15 days after service of notice upon the applicant of the Town Clerk’s decision. The notice of appeal shall be accompanied by a memorandum or other writing setting out fully the grounds for such appeal and all arguments in support thereof. The Town Clerk may, within 15 days of service upon the Town Clerk of the applicant’s memorandum, submit a memorandum in response to the memorandum filed by the applicant on appeal to the Town Council.
   (B)   (1)   The applicant shall be afforded a hearing before the Town Council at which the applicant or the applicant’s attorney shall be afforded the right to address the Council and the Town Clerk’s decision, after which the town may respond to the applicant’s presentation; the hearing shall be taken within 31 calendar days after the date on which the Town Clerk receives the notice of appeal.
      (2)   After reviewing submitted memoranda and exhibits as well as the argument orally presented by the applicant and the town, the Town Council shall vote either to uphold or overrule the Town Clerk’s decision.
   (C)   The Town Council’s decision shall be effective upon its rendering.
   (D)   Judicial review of a denial by the Town Clerk and Town Council may then be made pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-12)