(A)   All weapons, explosive or other dangerous instruments which are seized by police officers in the line of duty and forfeited in accordance with A.R.S. Title 13 or any other applicable state or federal law.
   (B)   All weapons, explosives or other dangerous instruments which are seized, confiscated or impounded as a result of an arrest pertaining to the commission of a crime may be returned to a person when permitted by law after such person is adjudged not guilty or where all criminal charges are dismissed.
   (C)   If the owner of a lost, abandoned or stolen weapon cannot be located within 90 days from the date such a weapon comes into police custody, the weapon shall be returned to the finder where permitted by law. In the event the finder does not want the weapon or the finder fails to respond to notices, the weapon shall become the property of the town’s Police Department to be disposed of pursuant to the discretion of the town’s Police Department.
(Prior Code, § 11-4-2)