The cost of construction of a main extension shall include in addition to the actual materials and installation costs of piping, manholes, wyes and other appurtenances, including, but not limited to, sewer clean out shut off valve and the engineering costs for preparation of plans and specifications, and costs for inspection and staking. The cost of service laterals shall not be included in the cost of construction of the sewer main extension for reimbursement purposes.
(Prior Code, § 16-1-6) (Ord. 91-02, passed - -1991; Ord. 91-04, passed - -1991; Res. 91-09, passed - -1991; Ord. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 94-22, passed - -1994; Ord. 00-04, passed - -2000; Ord. 10-01, passed - -2010)