(A) Property owners requiring sewer connection for Phase I prior to 10-3-1994 shall be connected without charge. After 10-3-1994, any property owner within the Phase I service area shall be required to pay all designated fees including the connection charge.
(B) All properties connecting to the sewer shall connect all structures: RV spaces; mobile homes; commercial establishments or facilities which generate wastewater within that property. No portions or partial service will be allowed.
(C) The actual rates and categories will be set by resolution which may be amended from time to time. The rates will be established in compliance with the public hearing requirements of A.R.S. § 9-511.01.
(Prior Code, § 16-1-3) (Ord. 91-02, passed - -1991; Ord. 91-04, passed - -1991; Res. 91-09, passed - -1991; Ord. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 94-22, passed - -1994; Res. 95-16, passed - -1995; Res. 96-05, passed - -1996; Res. 98-09, passed - -1998; Res. 01-06, passed - -2001; Ord. 10-01, passed - -2010; Res. 22-12, passed 7-12-2022)
(A) All persons owning, leasing or using real property, buildings or fixtures within the service area of the wastewater treatment system may cause all structures located on said property to be connected with said sewer system by submitting the appropriate application and paying the appropriate fees. All expenses of such connection within the property line (lateral lines) shall be borne by the owner of said property or building, or the person using or leasing the same.
(B) It is prohibited for any person who connects to the wastewater treatment system to fail to abate, in conformance with the applicable standards, all cesspools, septic tanks, leach lines, privies and open and unconnected drains within structures and property connected to the wastewater system. All abated cesspools, septic tanks, leach lines and privies shall be inspected and approved by a department or town representative prior to final connection to the wastewater system.
(C) All lots, parcels or tracts by which the sewer line passes or whose property line is within 200 feet of the sewer which are not connected to the sewer in accordance with § 51.02 of this chapter shall connect to the sewer within 90 days of notice. Any line extensions from the sewer to the lot’s, parcel’s or tract’s property line shall be at the expense of the town. As to any provisions of this chapter that conflict with or contravene this division (C), this division (C) shall prevail and be construed as if to give a consistent meaning to such sections. Exemptions shall be given by the town when the cost of connection is not financially viable. A sewer line extension is generally determined to be financially viable if that extension generates sufficient flow in sewage and subsequent connection fees and monthly user fees to cover associated development costs, debt retirement and its pro rata share of operation and maintenance costs as determined by the Department.
(D) All new residential, commercial or industrial developments shall connect to the sewer if the sewer is within 200 feet of the property line and shall pay the appropriate fees. Exemptions shall be given by the town when the cost of connection does not meet cost effectiveness.
(E) After completion of any new sewer line development, property owner connecting to the sewer shall have six months to connect to the system. For those property owners who may require additional time, a written request for a maximum three-month extension shall be submitted to the Public Utilities Department for consideration. The request shall be presented 60 days prior to the imposed connection time limit.
(F) Any parcel produced from a parcel split shall be required to connect to the sewer, as per division (D) above.
(G) Any existing non-conforming use parcel of land shall be required to connect to the sewer, as per division (D) above.
(Prior Code, § 16-1-4) (Ord. 91-02, passed - -1991; Ord. 91-04, passed - -1991; Res. 91-09, passed - -1991; Ord. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 94-22, passed - -1994; Ord. 98-04, passed - -1998; Ord. 10-01, passed - -2010)
(A) The Department may recommend to the Council the acceptance of a specific sewer service area and the establishment of an area-specific sewer extension fee if:
(1) An applicant for a permit to construct and extend a sewer line requests that the Department approve construction of a sewer line with a capacity in excess of the size required to serve his development;
(2) The Department finds that such construction is:
(a) In accordance with the sewer service plan of the town;
(b) The construction is in the public interest; and
(c) The sewer line extension would have sufficient capacity to serve property not owned by applicant.
(3) The owner of the development submits plans and specifications for construction of the sewer in that service area to the Department for review and approval.
(B) The Department may establish a specific sewer service area and an area-specific sewer line extension fee. A specific sewer service area and/or fee shall contain the following:
(1) A description or map showing the specific sewer service area;
(2) The cost of construction and installation of the sewer line and related facilities or a method to determine those costs; and
(3) A requirement that all landowners or other persons who connect to the sewer line extension shall pay, to the Department an amount equal to their pro rata share of the connection fee (in accordance with division (A) above) or a fee based on parcel, lot, or tract or another appropriate method approved by the town. These payments will pay for the cost of the plant, the collections system and related facilities and administrative costs of the Department incurred in administering the specific sewer service area.
(C) Prior to connection of the wastewater treatment system lines to the sewer line extension and area-specific sewer line, the Department shall require such persons to pay their pro rata share of the cost as set forth in division (B)(3) above.
(D) (1) Upon the recommendation of the Department, the wastewater treatment system may advance a portion, or all, of the costs of construction of a sewer line extension or a sewage lift station with a capacity to serve a specific sewer service area and may establish an area-specific sewer line extension fee pursuant to division (C) above.
(2) The area-specific sewer line extension fee shall be utilized to reimburse the Department for the cost of construction of the sewer line extension and/or lift station.
(E) (1) Sewer line extensions may be granted by the Department at no cost to the user based on the financial viability of the extension and the projected user fees to be collected from additional system users connected to extension.
(2) A sewer line extension is generally determined to be financially viable if that extension generates sufficient flow in sewage and subsequent connection fees and monthly user fees to cover associated development costs, debt retirement and its pro rata share of operation and maintenance costs as determined by the Department.
(F) If the developer is required to pay for an oversized sewer in order to facilitate future connections between the town interceptor and the newly developed property, the town will enter into a development agreement with the developer which will outline reimbursement for the cost of the oversized portions of the sewer.
(Prior Code, § 16-1-7) (Ord. 91-02, passed - -1991; Ord. 91-04, passed - -1991; Res. 91-09, passed - -1991; Ord. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 94-22, passed - -1994; Ord. 00-04, passed - -2000; Ord. 10-01, passed - -2010)
It is prohibited for any person to occupy a residence or dwelling permanently connected to the wastewater treatment and collection system unless such residence or dwelling is equipped with a water closet in good working order, properly connected with the sanitary sewer where such sanitary sewer is available or connected to an on-site wastewater disposal facility in good working order.
(Prior Code, § 16-1-8) (Ord. 91-02, passed - -1991; Ord. 91-04, passed - -1991; Res. 91-09, passed - -1991; Ord. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 94-22, passed - -1994; Ord. 10-01, passed - -2010) Penalty, see § 51.99
(A) Any person who interferes with the officers or agents of the Department in the discharge of their duties or who violate any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor. Such interferences include, but are not limited to:
(1) The tapping of either main or lateral sewer pipe belonging to the system;
(2) Laying, connecting, inspecting or repairing of either main or lateral sewer pipes;
(3) The excavating, either directly or indirectly, of a street or alley for the purpose of connecting with the sewer system without first obtaining a permit from the Department and the town’s Building Department;
(4) Illegal use of the wastewater treatment and collection system including, but not limited to:
(a) Illegal deposit of any liquid or solid waste known to be not in compliance within acceptable waste treatment requirements;
(b) Illegal connection of additional sources of sewer system (i.e., RVs connected to single-family residential sewer laterals); and
(c) Illegal operation of a commercial dump station connected to the wastewater system without first obtaining a dump station operation permit.
(5) It is unlawful for any person whose property is connected to the wastewater system to allow any individual to dump septage into the wastewater system through their lawful connection without first paying the appropriate connection fees and monthly user fees.
(B) No person shall discharge the contents of a swimming pool into a sanitary sewer.
(C) No person shall connect roof drains or storm water drains to the sanitary sewer.
(Prior Code, § 16-1-9) (Ord. 91-02, passed - -1991; Ord. 91-04, passed - -1991; Res. 91-09, passed - -1991; Ord. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 94-22, passed - -1994; Ord. 10-01, passed - -2010) Penalty, see § 51.99