For properties not within the present service area of the water system, the applicable fees shall include a connection fee payable on a per parcel basis, which shall be established by the Council, similar in amount to the costs of construction of an equivalent water system adjacent to the landowner’s property, including the cost of construction, engineering, legal and administrative services, and in accordance with the benefit received, plus a fee for each service line constructed in the public right-of-way to service the property; said money to be paid directly to the Department prior to the time of the connection to the Department water system. Said money so collected is to be used to pay all or part of the cost of installing other water mains in the town as and when designated by the Council, or the costs of construction of additional system capacity. When said moneys are not being expended for that purpose, they are to be invested or spent at the discretion of the Council. The actual rates and categories will be set by resolution which shall be amended from time to time. The rate will be established with the public hearing requirements of A.R.S. § 9-511.01.
(Prior Code, § 17-2-2) (Res. 01-06, passed - -2001; Ord. 09-36, passed - -2009)