   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   A.A.C. The Arizona Administrative Code.
   ADEQ. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.
   APPROVED LABORATORY PROCEDURES. The measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of water and wastes in accordance with analytical procedures determined acceptable by Federal Guidelines as established in 40 C.F.R. part 136, or as approved by the Regional Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
   A.R.S. The Arizona Revised Statutes.
   AVERAGE QUALITY. The arithmetic average (weighted by flow value) of all the “daily determinations of concentration”, as that term is defined herein, made during a calendar month.
   BACKFLOW. The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of water from any source other than its intended source.
   BACKFLOW PREVENTER. A device or means to prevent backflow into the potable water system.
   BUILDING WATER LINE. Those pipes commencing at and connecting one or more plumbing fixtures, usually within a structure, to a point approximately five feet outside the foundation of the structure.
   CALCULATED DEMAND. The demand from a user which is calculated based upon estimated average, peak daily and peak hourly water demands as published by latest engineering design standards.
   CAPITAL RESERVE. The funds remaining on an annual basis from revenue collected from connection fees, monthly user fees and all other established fees after payment of all water system expenses, including debt service.
   CERTIFIED COST. All costs as published in the Engineering News Record for Phoenix, Arizona, on the closest date to January 1 in each year.
   CROSS-CONNECTION. Any connection or arrangement, physical or otherwise, between a potable water supply system and any plumbing fixture or any tank, receptacles, equipment or device, through which it may be possible for non-potable, used, unclean, polluted and contaminated water, or other substances, to enter into any part of such potable water system under any condition.
   CONNECTION FEES. Those fees collected in return for the right to connect a “user” to the distribution system.
   DEPARTMENT. The Town of Quartzsite Department of Public Utilities.
   DEMAND. The total use of water required by a user.
   DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. The series of pipes, reservoirs and pumping stations, if applicable, whose function it is to deliver water from divergent sources to deliver same to one central location.
   MAINTENANCE. Keeping the water system in a state of repair, including expenditures necessary to maintain the capacity (capability) for which said system was designed and constructed.
   MANAGEMENT CONTRACT. Those professional services with which the town may contract to perform the duties and functions of the Department as provided herein.
   PERMITTEE or PERMIT HOLDER. Any person, firm, association, corporation or trust which owns, operates, processes or controls an establishment or plant requiring potable water.
   PROPERTY LINE. The boundary between the property owned by a user and property owned by the town or the water system.
   REPLACEMENT. Those expenditures made for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories or appurtenances during the useful life of the water system which are necessary to maintain the capacity and performance of the water system for which they were designed and constructed.
   SERVICE LINE. The water line from the property line of a customer to the point in the distribution system where the demand exists.
   SHALL. The act referred to is mandatory.
   STANDARD METHODS. The procedure as described in the most current edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by the American Health Association, or the most current edition of Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
   SYSTEM DESIGN CAPACITY. The maximum capacity of the well, storage reservoir, booster pumps and distribution pipes as determined by calculations used in standard engineering practice.
   TOTAL DEVELOPED COST. The total cost of materials, labor, design, finance, property acquisition and management necessary to complete all or a portion of a water system.
   TOWN ENGINEER. A registered professional engineer qualified in all applicable aspects of standard water design.
   USER. Any person, lot, parcel of land, building, premises, municipal corporation or other political subdivision that exhibits a demand for potable water.
   USER FEES. The monthly fees collected from each “user” in return for supplying potable water that conforms to the ADEQ requirements.
   WATER DEPARTMENT. The town or such person, firm, authority or department as may be designated by the town to be the responsible administrative body of the water system.
   WATER SYSTEM. All facilities including all wells, treatment works, reservoirs, pumps and pipelines necessary for delivering potable water to the user.
   WATER SYSTEM OWNER. The individual, company or municipality who at any given time holds title to the improvements described as the “water system”.
(Prior Code, § 17-1-1) (Ord. 96-03, passed - -1996; Res. 96-01, passed - -1996; Ord. 10-02, passed - -2010; Ord. 18-03, passed 5-8-2018)