§ 33.028 NEW MEMBERS.
   (A)   New members of the Department shall be approved by the Application Committee and by a majority of the members of the Fire Department and shall then be on probation for one year after such approval.
   (B)   New members shall be selected by secret ballot by a majority vote of the membership, must be a minimum of 18 years of age and must pass a physical agility test with the State Firefighters Pension and Retirement System.
   (C)   New members shall be governed by all rules, regulations and standard operating procedures which apply to all volunteer firefighters.
   (D)   New members shall be on probation for a period of one year after their appointment, during which time they shall complete 30-hour core courses of Firefighter 1 essentials within one year. New firefighters must complete Firefighter 1 within 18 months of hire unless no classes are available. The minimum number of training hours as required to meet federal, state and local regulations. Upon completion of their probationary period, new members must be confirmed by a majority vote of the membership.
   (E)   New members having one or more years of prior experience with the Town Fire Department, and having left the Department in good standing, shall not be subject to the probation and confirmation.