(A)   Injurious wastes.
      (1)   No person may discharge to public sewers any waste which by itself or by interaction with other wastes may:
         (a)   Injure or interfere with wastewater treatment processes or facilities;
         (b)   Constitute a hazard to humans or animals; or
         (c)   Create a hazard in the receiving waters of the wastewater plant effluent.
      (2)   All discharges shall conform to the requirements of this chapter.
      (3)   All discharges shall be prohibited except for those which meet the criteria for “domestic wastewater.” BOD concentration shall not exceed 200 milligrams per liter, and suspended solids shall not exceed 200 milligrams per liter.
      (4)   All industrial discharges are prohibited. If an industrial user should desire to make use of the sewerage system, then an industrial cost recovery system will be initiated in accordance with the regulations at that time to compensate for the use of the system.
      (5)   Any new connections from inflow sources into the sanitary sewer portion of the sewer system shall be prohibited.
   (B)   Garbage.
      (1)   No person may discharge garbage into the public sewers unless it is shredded to a degree whereby all particles can be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in the public sewers. Particles greater than one-half inch in any dimension are prohibited.
      (2)   The approving authority is entitled to review and approve the installation and operation of any garbage grinder equipped with a motor of three-fourths horsepower or greater.
   (C)   Stormwater and unpolluted drainage. No person may discharge to public sanitary sewers:
      (1)   Unpolluted stormwater, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff or subsurface drainage;
      (2)   Unpolluted cooling water;
      (3)   Unpolluted industrial process waters; or
      (4)   Other unpolluted drainage.
   (D)   Liquids or vapors of high temperature.
      (1)   No person may discharge liquid or vapor having a temperature of 150°F, 65°C, or any substance which causes the temperature of the total wastewater treatment plant influent to increase at a rate of 10°F or more per hour or a combined total increase of plant influent temperature to 110°F.
      (2)   In compliance with state law, the approving authority may designate storm sewers and other watercourses into which unpolluted drainage described in division (D)(1) above may be discharged.
   (E)   Radioactive wastes. No person may discharge radioactive wastes or isotopes into public sewers without the permission of the approving authority. The approving authority may establish, in compliance with applicable state and federal regulations, regulations for the discharge of radioactive wastes into public sewers.
   (F)   Substances capable of causing the impairment of facilities.
      (1)   No person may discharge into public sewers any substance capable of causing:
         (a)   Obstruction of the flow in sewers;
         (b)   Interference with the operation of treatment plant processes or facilities; or
         (c)   The excessive loading of treatment facilities.
      (2)   No person may discharge into public sewers any substance which may:
         (a)   Deposit grease or oil in the sewer lines in such a manner so as to clog or partially clog the sewers;
         (b)   Overload skimming and grease-handling equipment;
         (c)   Pass to receiving waters without being effectively treated by normal wastewater treatment processes due to the nonamenability of the substance to bacterial action; or
         (d)   Deleteriously affect the treatment process due to excessive quantities.
      (3)   No person may discharge into public sewers any substance which is:
         (a)   Not amenable to treatment by the processes and facilities employed; or
         (b)   Is amenable to treatment only to such a degree that the treatment plant effluent cannot meet the requirements of other agencies having jurisdiction over discharges to the receiving waters.
(Prior Code, § 9-3-3) Penalty, see § 52.99