(A)   Verification of suitable treatment. The approving authority shall verify, prior to discharge, that wastes authorized to be discharged will receive suitable treatment within the provisions of the laws, regulations, ordinances, rules and orders of federal, state and local governments.
(Prior Code, § 9-3-4)
   (B)   Requirements; rejection conditions.
      (1)   Conditions for setting requirements. If discharges or proposed discharges to public sewers may deleteriously affect wastewater facilities, processes, equipment or receiving waters, create a hazard to life or health or create a public nuisance, then the approving authority shall require:
         (a)   Pretreatment to an acceptable condition for discharge to the public sewers;
         (b)   Control over the quantities and rates of discharge; and
         (c)   Payment to cover the cost of handling and treating the wastes.
      (2)   Determination. The approving authority is entitled to determine whether a discharge or proposed discharge is included under division (B)(1) above.
      (3)   Rejection of wastes. The approving authority shall reject wastes when:
         (a)   It determines that a discharge or proposed discharge is included under division (B)(1) above; and
         (b)   The discharge does not meet the requirements of division (B)(1) above.
(Prior Code, § 9-3-5)