§ 32.05 911 DONATION FUND.
   A 911 Donations Fund be hereby established to meet these needs.
   (A)   The 911 Donations Fund shall be a separate fund from that 911 Fund established by I.C. 36-8-16.7-29. All receipts into the Fund must specifically be written to the County 911 Donations Fund or 911 Donations Fund.
   (B)   The Fund shall be utilized for the purchase of various educational materials and supplies as deemed necessary by the County 911 Department. These materials and supplies may be used for the purpose of dispatcher education and for public awareness and education of the proper dialing of 911.
   (C)   The 911 Donations Fund shall be perpetual from year-to-year and shall exist until such time as the County Commissioners deems its dissolution.
   (D)   If the Fund should be dissolved by an act of the County Commissioners, then the balance of said Fund shall revert into the 911 Fund established by I.C. 36-8-16.7-29.
(Ord. 2006-08-21-02, passed 8-21-2006)
   There is hereby created a County Microfilm Support Fund. The Fund shall consist of deposits in the form of proceeds received by the Office of the County Microfilm.
   (A)   The Support Fund shall be appropriated for funding contracted help if needed in preparation of files and/or supplies needed for the Office of the County Microfilm.
   (B)   All monies collected under this section shall be transferred to the County Auditor who shall deposit said funds with the County Treasurer.
   (C)   Disbursement of these funds shall be directed by the County Microfilm Director.
   (D)   Said funds shall be used for and on behalf of part-time help in preparation of files, maintaining equipment and support in the office.
(Ord. 2006-1-17, passed 1-17-2006)
   (A)   There is hereby established a special non-reverting fund Animal Control Administration Fund (hereinafter referred to as “the Fund".)
   (B)   All monies received by the Auditor of Putnam County (“Auditor”) or by the County Auditor's Office (“Auditor's Office”) shall be deposited by the Auditor in the account approved by deposits of public funds and may be commingled with other deposits, subject to the requirements division (C) below.
   (C)   The Fund may be expended without appropriation, provided that the expense is used for the general administration, maintenance and operation of county animal care and control.
   (D)   No unexpended balance in the Fund shall revert to the General Fund of Putnam County.
(Ord. 2014-7-15-1, passed 7-15-2014)
   (A)   The Board of County Commissioners of Putnam County, Indiana that a need now exists for the establishment of a Cumulative Bridge Fund for all uses as set out in I.C. 8-16-3.
   (B)   This Board will adhere to the provisions of I.C. 8-16-3. The proposed fund will not exceed $0.0529 on each $100 of assessed valuation. Said tax rate will be levied beginning with taxes for 2018 payable 2019.
   (C)   Proofs of publication of the public hearing held on the second of April, 2018, and a certified copy of this ordinance/resolution shall be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance of the State of Indiana as provided by law. This Cumulative Fund is subject to the approval of the Department of Local Government Finance.
(Ord. 2017-7-17, passed 7-17-2017; Am. Ord. 2018-4-2, passed 4-2-2018)