The following special uses are subject to approval as provided for in Chapter 1288:
(b) Community building and recreational field, community swimming pool, and community facility privately owned and operated;
(c) Contractor's establishment;
(d) Dwelling, multiple-family, including condominium;
(e) Dormitory;
(f) Go-cart track;
(g) Intravenous hydration services;
(h) Low impact wind-powered electric generator/windmill;
(i) Medical marijuana cultivator;
(j) Medical marijuana dispensary;
(k) Medical marijuana processor;
(l) Rental room;
(Ord. 1228-19. Passed 10-9- 19; Ord. 1247-2020. Passed 3-23-20.)
Off-street parking shall be provided as required by Chapter 1284.
(Ord. 540-89. Passed 2-14-89; Ord. 1010-11. Passed 4-11-11.)