(a)   Temporary structures, including manufactured offices or trailers, used for project development purposes, may be permitted in a district where they would not normally be permitted, if all of the following conditions are met:
      (1)   The land is zoned to permit the project development.
      (2)   The temporary structure is necessary and is used only for the project development on the same parcel of land.
      (3)   No temporary structure shall be placed any closer to property lines than an accessory building could be within the district.
      (4)   Each temporary structure shall be in active use for its permitted purpose. If inactive, the temporary structure shall be removed.
      (5)   No use other than permitted shall be made, no living quarters shall be maintained and no business separate from the project development shall be practiced in the temporary structure.
      (6)   A site plan approval from the Commission is received and a zoning certificate is issued by the Zoning Inspector.
   (b)   A zoning certificate is required for each project location and such zoning certificate shall be valid for one year from the date the certificate is issued.  A zoning certificate may be applied for annually and reissued if the conditions in subsection (a) hereof are met.
(Ord. 1010-11.  Passed 4-11-11.)