(a)   Application for an original or renewal license shall be in writing addressed to the Village Administrator.
   (b)   An application for a renewal license shall be filed not later than thirty days prior to the expiration of the license to be renewed.
   (c)   All applications shall be filed with the Village Administrator.
   (d)   A nonrefundable filing fee shall be filed with an application as follows:
      (1)   Two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for an initial license to operate a massage establishment or adult cabaret;
      (2)   One hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) for a renewal license to operate a massage establishment or adult cabaret;
      (3)   One hundred dollars ($100.00) for an initial licence as a masseur or masseuse; and
      (4)   Fifty dollars ($50.00) for a renewal license as a masseur or masseuse.
   (e)   An application for an initial or renewal license to operate a massage establishment or adult cabaret shall contain the following:
      (1)   The address where the massage establishment or adult cabaret is operated, or will be operated;
      (2)   The status of the applicant as an individual, partnership or limited partnership, domestic or foreign corporation, or other entity;
      (3)   The full name, residence address, date of birth, and Social Security number of the applicant or the person applying on behalf of the partnership, corporation, or other entity;
      (4)   If the applicant is a partnership or limited partnership, the name of the partnership; the status of the partnership as general or limited; the state or other jurisdiction under which it is organized; the address of its principal office; the address of its principal office in Ohio; its Federal identification number; the name and address of its statutory agent; the full name, residence address, date of birth, and Social Security number of each partner; and the status of each partner as a general or limited partner;
      (5)   If the applicant is a corporation, the name of the corporation; the state or other jurisdiction under which it is organized; the address of its principal office; the address of its principal office in Ohio; its Federal identification number; the name and address of its statutory agent in Ohio; and the full name, residence address, date of birth, and Social Security number of each shareholder holding more than two percent of the applicant's stock. If any shareholder is a corporation or a general or limited partnership, the same information shall be included for such shareholder as is required for an applicant that is a corporation or general or limited partnership;
      (6)   The full name, residence address, date of birth, and Social Security number of each person employed by the massage establishment or whose employment is contemplated by the establishment, and the capacity in which such person is or is to be employed;
      (7)   A statement that the applicant, and, to the applicant's knowledge, the persons named in the application, have never been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any offense other than a misdemeanor traffic offense, or a statement listing the offenses other than misdemeanor traffic offenses of which the applicant or any person named in the application has been convicted, including the offense, date of conviction, and the name and location of the court;
      (8)   A statement by the applicant for a license to operate an adult cabaret that the Ohio Liquor Control Commission has never, pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4301.25, revoked a permit held by the applicant or any person or entity named in the application;
      (9)   Authorization for an investigation into the background, including any criminal record, of the applicant and any person or entity named in the application, including authorization to conduct subsequent investigations to supplement or update information;
      (10)   The applicant's agreement to abide by these regulations and the laws of Ohio, and any amendments, additions, or reenactments thereof; and
      (11)   Proof that the applicant is in compliance with all applicable zoning ordinances and restrictions.
   (f)   An application for a license or renewal license as a masseur or masseuse shall contain the following:
      (1)   The full name, residence address, date of birth, and Social Security number of the applicant;
      (2)   A statement of the applicant's training, experience, and other qualifications as a masseur or masseuse;
      (3)   The written report of a physical examination of the applicant by a physician licensed to practice in Ohio, stating the date of the examination and certifying that as of that date the applicant is free from communicable diseases. The date of the physical examination shall be not more than thirty days prior to the date of filing the application;
      (4)   Two clear, color photographs of the applicant, taken not more than thirty days prior to the date of filing the application;
      (5)   Authorization of an investigation into the background and any criminal record of the applicant, including authorization for subsequent investigations to supplement or update the information; and
      (6)   The applicant's agreement to abide by these regulations and the laws of Ohio, and any amendments, additions, or reenactments thereof.
(Ord. 739-99. Passed 4-22-99; Ord. 941-08. Passed 11-10-08.)