In case any applicant has been denied a license, or if his or her license has been revoked or suspended, the applicant or licensee, as the case may be, shall have the right to appeal said denial or revocation to the Village Council by filing with the Fiscal Officer of the Village, within five days of the denial or revocation, a written notice of appeal setting forth the specific grounds for the appeal. The Fiscal Officer, upon receipt of said written notice of appeal, shall place the same upon the agenda of the next regular Council meeting, unless said Council meeting is more than three weeks away, in which case the Fiscal Officer shall proceed to request a special Council meeting if requested in writing by the appellant, said special meeting to be held within two weeks of the receipt of appellant’s request, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the Village and appellant. The appellant may appear and be heard in person or by counsel at said meeting. After said hearing, and provided that a quorum is present, if a majority of the Councilpersons present vote in favor of the appellant, then the license shall be issued or fully reinstated as the case may be. Otherwise, the order appealed from shall become final.
(Ord. 638-95. Passed 4-11-95; Ord. 941-08. Passed 11-10-08; Ord. 1231-19. Passed 12-18-19.)