(a)   No person shall dock or moor a vessel at the Village Marina without first obtaining an official permit and dock assignment from the Dock Master which permit shall at all times be displayed on the vessel in a manner so as to be visible from the adjoining pier or wharf.
   (b)   If sufficient capacity is available as determined by the Head Dock Master, a dockage day pass shall be issued upon payment of a day pass dockage rate, which shall be charged for each vessel docked or moored at the Village Marina from the time of the vessel's arrival at the marina until 6:00 p.m. of the day of arrival. The day pass rate per vessel length shall be as set forth in Exhibit A, attached to Ordinance No. 1277-21, passed May 24, 2021. The day pass dockage rate expires at 6:00 p.m. each day. Any vessel obtaining a day pass and mooring in the Village marina past 6:00 p.m. of its day of arrival shall pay in addition to the day pass rate the dock charge as established in division (c) of this section. Day dockage is generally accepted during the week and/or weekends as long as space permits.
   (c)   The following overnight and holiday dockage rates shall be charged for each vessel docked or moored at the Village Marina main docks or finger docks: Vessels up to 40 feet in length shall pay a nightly dockage rate of two dollars ($2.00) per foot on weekdays and two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) per foot on weekends and holidays. Vessels over 40 feet in length shall pay a nightly dockage rate of two dollars twenty-five cents ($2.25) per foot on weekdays. On weekends and holidays vessels over 40 feet in length shall pay a dockage rate of two dollars seventy-five cents ($2.75) per foot.
   (d)   The following rates shall apply and be charged to vessels moored at the shoreline: (No electricity or water service available): One dollar ($1.00) per foot.
   (e)   The following rates shall apply and be charged to rubber rafts, dingys, Jet Skies and any other personal water craft moored at the shore line: A flat rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall be charged per day.
   (f)   Notwithstanding division (c) of this section, a special overnight dockage rate of one dollar twenty-five cents ($1.25) per foot for vessels under 40 feet and one dollar fifty cents ($1.50) per foot for vessels over 40 feet shall be in effect annually from the second Friday in April until the Second Friday in May and then again from the second Sunday in October through the end of October. During these said times the regular day pass rates for vessels still apply (See Exhibit A, attached to Ordinance No. 1277-21). Any additional and/or special circumstances from the rate to be levied in lieu of the normal day rate will be at the discretion of the Head Dock Master or Village Administrator.
   (g)   As a reward for customer loyalty, if over the period of two consecutive calendar years beginning from January 1, 2016, the same boat/same boat registration has accumulated ten paid nights of dockage shall be eligible for one night of free dockage. All prior paid dock tickets must be physically turned in to the Dock Master to receive the complimentary overnight dockage ticket. Limit one free night per two consecutive calendar years.
   (h)   The Village Council may from time to time by three-fourths vote of the members present at a duly called meeting waive or modify the dockage rates for special events, special purposes, and/or special promotions or any other reason which is approved by a three-fourth vote of the members of Council present at the meeting which said vote is taken.
(Ord. 495. Passed 5-8-86; Ord. 655-96. Passed 6-13-96; Ord. 861-04. Passed 3-14-05; Ord. 1245-20. Passed 5-12-20; Ord. 1277-21. Passed 5-24-21.)