(a)   The Village shall assess a delinquent rate of 10% of the total monthly sewer utility bill for those bills paid after the due date. In addition, the Village shall assess a delinquent rate of 2% per month of the total monthly sewer utility bill for those bills outstanding 30 days beyond the due date, until such bill is paid.
   (b)   In July of each year the Village Administrator shall present to Council all sewer user accounts four months or more delinquent. Upon Council approval, the Village Administrator shall present the delinquent amounts due to the County Auditor to be assessed to the tax duplicate in accordance with law.
   (c)   All charges for sewer usage as provided in the Village Ordinances are assessed against the property to which the service is rendered and are a lien against said property, collectible the same as other liens and taxes. Transfer of ownership of property connected to a public sewer system shall not relieve the property owner of responsibility for charges assessed against the property.
   (d)   Any Village sewer utility account established and maintained in the name of the tenant, lessee or other person or party for services provided to the premises shall not relieve the property or the owner of the property for liability for such charges.
   (e)   A return check fee will be charged for any check returned from the bank unpaid. This fee shall also apply to returned automatic direct bill payments. The fee amount will be established annually by the Village Administrator with a minimum charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per item.
(Ord. 997-10. Passed 1-10-11.)