If any user of the Village water system increases the use on the system or increases the demand on the system by changing the use of the connected premises, and/or by increasing the demand arising from the premises by increasing the unit equivalency factors applicable to the connected premises, the user or property owner shall report the increase in use or increase in demand to the Village Administrator within ten days, and the user or the property owner shall immediately pay to the Village an increase in impact charge equal to the impact charge the for the increased use as established by the Village Administrator, minus any impact charge previously paid for the premises. The impact charge shall be paid to the Village prior to the use of the water system of the increased use of the premises. If the increased impact charge is not paid by the user or property owner prior to the use of the water system, the Village may disconnect the user or property owner from the water system or may bring an appropriate action in a court of competent jurisdiction to collect the amount of the impact charge due.
(Ord. 926-07. Passed 1-14-08.)