(a)   No person shall operate any taxicab or vehicle for the purpose of carrying the public generally as passengers for hire, gift, donation, or other consideration, whether such consideration is paid direct or is a portion of other services rendered or to be rendered for compensation, nor shall such person solicit passengers unless:
      (1)   The owner of such vehicle has obtained a Village license for the type and class of operation intended prior to the operation and such license is not under suspension or revocation.
      (2)   The decal issued by the Village to evidence such licensing is displayed.
   (b)   These provisions shall not apply to vehicles described in Section 866.01(c) nor to private vehicles used for the convenience of the owner or operator and not for compensation, or to an operator who brought passengers into the corporate limits and who does not pick up any passengers within the corporate limits.
(Ord. 973-09. Passed 4-12-10.)