For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
   BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, OR SUB-CONTRACTOR. Any individual holding a valid contractor’s permit, and being compensated for such services by the applicant. This contractor’s permit is to be issued by the Health Officer.
   COMBINED SEWER. A sewer receiving both surface water run off and sewage.
   HEALTH OFFICER. The County Health Officer, or his or her authorized representative.
   JURISDICTION. This subchapter shall apply to all private sewage disposal systems which are not connected to a public sewer within the county.
   OCCUPANT. Owner, leasee, sub-leasee, tenant, sub-tenant, life-tenant, and guardian or trustee for the aforementioned. This term shall not include a guest or any minor children who reside on the premises.
   OWNER. The person, or persons, who hold the fee simple estate in the land, the trustees of the land in trust, the life tenant of land under life estates, the contract seller under sales contracts, and other persons who have a legal or equitable interest in the land.
   PERSON. Any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, joint-stock company, trust, estate, or municipality, or his, her, or its legal representative or agent.
   PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. Any sewage disposal system not constructed, installed, maintained, operated, and owned by a municipality or a taxing district established for that purpose. Examples of common PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Sewer; combined sewer; sanitary sewer; privy; commode; septic tank; septic feeder system; seepage pits, and the like.
   PUBLIC SEWER. Any sewer constructed, installed, maintained, operated, and owned by a municipality or a taxing district established for that purpose. A county sewer installed for the purpose of carrying surface water run off and sub-soil drainage shall not be considered a PUBLIC SEWER under this definition.
   SANITARY SEWER. A sewer which carries sewage and to which storm, surface, and ground waters are not intentionally admitted.
   SEPTIC TANK CLEANER. Any person who, for hire or not, is engaged in the business of cleaning out septic tanks, dry wells, or other sewage disposal systems and disposing of their contents. This person must be licensed by the State Department of Health.
   SEWAGE. Any combination of human excreta and wastewater from water closets, laundries, sinks, bathing facilities, and other non-purified wastewaters.
   SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. Any arrangement of devices and structures used for receiving, treating, and disposing of sewage.
   SEWER. A pipe conduit for carrying sewage.
   UNSANITARY MANNER OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL or UNSANITARY CONDITION. Shall mean, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   The seepage of sewage from a septic tank, sewer, or tile into a culvert, creek, stream, ditch, or river;
      (2)   Allowing sewage to be stored in an insecure septic tank that allows insects, reptiles, or animals access; or
      (3)   The installation of a septic system in ground that is unsuited for sewage protection.
(Ord. passed 2-7-1994)