(A)   The County Emergency Management Advisory Council established; appointment and terms of members.
      (1)   In accordance with I.C. 10-14 et seq., there is established a County Emergency Management Advisory Council which shall consist of a maximum of nine members, each of which shall be appointed by the County Board of Commissioners for a four-year term, and said members shall be residents of the county; also, each member shall have an interest in emergency management protection for the citizens of the county. Such membership may include, but is not limited to, police and fire officials, medical personnel, and governmental officials, to the end of broad participation by citizens and involvement of other governmental entities, particularly incorporated towns within the county. The County Attorney and Sheriff shall each be an ex-officio member of the Advisory Council.
      (2)   The members of said council may be compensated for services and expenses out of the annual Emergency Management Agency’s budget, but it is the intent of this chapter and the County Emergency Advisory Council that such compensation shall be consistent with the voluntary nature of this position.
      (3)   After the memberships have been appointed, they shall organize forthwith and select their officers, and shall meet quarterly and create rules for the meetings and operations.
      (4)   Minutes of these meetings shall be kept and maintained, and a report shall be made to the County Board of Commissioners on a quarterly basis advising of their activities. Provided, however, in case of an operational disaster, the Advisory Council shall report fully within 24 hours as to the status of conditions and possible remedies.
      (5)   The Advisory Council shall have a Chairman, a Vice Chairperson, and a Recording Secretary. These officers shall be elected by the Advisory Council for a one-year term.
   (B)   Duties of the Emergency Management Advisory Council as established, according to I.C. 10-14 et seq.
      (1)   The Advisory Council shall exercise general supervision and control over the emergency management and disaster program of the county.
      (2)   The Advisory Council shall meet at least quarterly. The frequency, time, and place shall be determined by the Advisory Council.
      (3)   Any and all meetings of the Advisory Council shall be open meetings, and shall be posted in accordance with I.C. 5-14-1.5.
(Ord. 2002-1, passed 1-7-2002)