(A)   Passage. After the passage of this section, it shall be legal to operate a snowmobile upon the right-of-way and traveled portion of county highways subject to restrictions contained herein.
   (B)   Jurisdiction. All county roads under the jurisdiction of the County Board of Commissioners, including the right-of-way and traveled portion, are opened to use by snowmobiles.
   (C)   Regulations.
      (1)   No vehicle may be operated at a speed other than one that is safe, reasonable, and proper, having due regard for existing conditions.
      (2)   No operator may operate such a vehicle under the influence of liquor, unlawful narcotic, or other habit forming drug, or dangerous stimulant or depressant drug.
      (3)   No vehicle may be operated unless it shows its lights at all times during the periods of operation.
      (4)   No vehicle may be operated unless it is equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive, or unusual, noise and annoying smoke.
      (5)   No vehicle may be operated within 100 feet of a dwelling between 12:00 a.m. midnight and 6:00 a.m., except on the owner’s property or as an invited guest.
      (6)   No vehicle may be operated on the streets of any unincorporated community, recognized and demarcated as such, under the jurisdiction of the County Board of Commissioners.
      (7)   Operators must, when traveling together, whether by intention or otherwise, travel single file and so that there are no more than five vehicles within 300 feet of traveled road.
(Ord. passed 12-19-1977)  Penalty, see § 71.99