§ 130.055  TRESPASS.
   (A)   Every entry upon the lands of another where any horse, mule, cow, hog or any other livestock is pastured, or any other lands of another, after notice from the owner or tenant prohibiting such entry, shall be a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine not to exceed $500, or by imprisonment with hard labor on the public works of the county for not exceeding 30 days.  When any owner or tenant of any lands shall post a notice in four conspicuous places on the borders of the land prohibiting entry thereon, a proof of the posting shall be deemed and taken as notice conclusive against the person making entry, as aforesaid, for the purpose of trespassing.
(1982 Code, Ch. 10, Art. V, § 5-11)
   (B)   Any person entering upon the lands of another for the purpose of hunting, fishing, trapping, netting, gathering fruit, wild flowers, cultivated flowers, shrubbery, straw, turf, vegetables or herbs or cutting timber on the same, without the consent of the owner or manager thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall pay a fine of not more than $500 or be imprisoned at hard labor not more than 30 days, for each and every offense.
(1982 Code, Ch. 10, Art. V, § 5-12)  Penalty, see § 130.999