(A)   Any person or persons who, when requested to leave the residence of another or the premises of another wherein any 1 or more persons shall conduct business (except offices of public officers) within the town, shall refuse to do so, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
   (B)   If a person enters upon any public premises or facility within the town and violates any rule or regulation of the town, an officer of the town may inform the person or persons of the rule or regulation and its violation. If the person or persons do not immediately cease and desist from violating the rule or regulation, the officer of the town may direct the person or persons to leave the public premises or facility, and if the person or persons fail to do so, he or she shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(1982 Code, Ch. 10, Art. V, § 5-4)  (Am. Ord. 130.048, passed 6-16-2009) Penalty, see § 130.999