(A) A majority of the Council members serving shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of any meeting. The Mayor or the Mayor Pro Tem shall preside, except that in the absence of both, the members present shall elect a presiding member.
(B) Except as otherwise required by state law or ordinance, all proceedings of Council shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order and the Town Attorney shall act as parliamentarian.
(C) (1) All actions of Council shall be by a majority vote of members present at the meeting.
(2) Every member of Council present shall vote on every question except when required to refrain from voting by state law.
(3) The vote on every question shall be by roll call and shall be recorded in the Council minutes by the Town Clerk/Treasurer.
(4) No member of Council may leave the Council chambers while in public session without permission of the presiding officer.
(D) The Town Clerk shall keep the minutes of all public meetings of Council and they shall be a matter of permanent public record. At each Council meeting the minutes of the previous meeting shall be presented for approval. Minutes shall not be considered the official record of the meeting until approved by Council. Any member of the Council desiring to express a position on a matter voted upon by Council in the minutes may do so by presenting the position in writing to Council not later than the next regular meeting.
(1982 Code, Ch. 2, Art. II, § 2)