General Provisions
157.01 Purpose
157.02 Application of chapter
157.03 Definitions
157.04 Administrative authority
157.05 Regulation specifications; determination of sign area and placement
157.06 Nonconforming signs
157.07 Protection of first amendments rights
Permit Procedures
157.20 Permit required
157.21 Application for permit
157.22 Permit fee
157.23 Permit review; issuance; recording
157.24 Complaints and revocations
157.25 Temporary signs requiring sign permit
157.26 Permanent signs requiring permit
157.27 Exceptions
Prohibited Signs
157.40 Certain signs prohibited
157.41 Removal of prohibited signs
157.55 Authority to grant variances
157.56 Standard of review
157.57 Special events
157.99 Penalty
Appendix A: Illustrated Specifications