Before any construction or removal permits are issued, a deposit shall be made to the city for the purpose of assuring that the applicant abides by all sections of this subchapter, according to the following schedule:
   For each single-family detached dwelling:       $ 500
   For each single-family attached dwelling:          500
   For each multiple unit structure, such as
   (but not limited to) townhouses, row
   houses, cluster homes, apartments and
   condominiums:                500
   For each commercial structure, a single
   retail unit, whether attached or detached,
   being herein defined as one commercial
   structure:                  10,000
All expenses incurred by the city by reason of any damages caused by an applicant's failure to abide by any section of this subchapter shall be set off against his deposits with the city. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no deposit shall be required for any resident applicant whose construction project does not exceed a total value of $10,000.
(Ord. 71-1978, passed 3-15-82; Am. Ord. 117-1984, passed 3-19-84; Am. Ord. 299-1994, passed 12-12-94)