(A)   In addition to the penalties provided in § 95.99, the city may remove any junked or abandoned vehicle located on private property by issuance of a written notice and order to the registered owner of the abandoned or junked vehicle or to the owner or person in possession of private property on which the abandoned or junked vehicle is situated, requiring that the vehicle be removed from the property within ten days. This notice and order may be issued by any police officer and may be served on the appropriate party, either personally or by certified mail. In addition, notice shall be conspicuously affixed to the abandoned or junked vehicle or parts thereof.
   (B)   In the event any person fails to comply with an order issued pursuant to this section, the Police Department may have the abandoned or junked vehicle removed and disposed of and may impose on the person violating the order a reasonable charge to cover the direct and indirect costs, if any, for the removal and disposition of the vehicle or parts thereof. Vehicles so removed and which are fit for future use may be sold pursuant to the provisions of §§ 70.21 and 70.22. Vehicles so removed and which are unfit for future use in the opinion of the police, may be disposed of immediately in such manner as the police deem appropriate. Any person aggrieved by an order issued pursuant to this section may request a hearing before the Mayor.
   (C)   In addition to the penalties provided in § 95.99, the city may remove any junked or abandoned vehicle in violation of §§ 95.02 or 95.03 which is on a public way of the city or on public property of the city, by order of the Police Department and disposed of pursuant to §§ 70.21 and 70.22 except where the vehicle is deemed by the police to be unfit for future use, in which event, the vehicle may be disposed of immediately in such manner as the police deem appropriate.
(Ord. 152-1986, passed 12-15-86)