   (A)   It shall be the duty of the Administrator to enforce these regulations and to bring any violations or lack of compliance to the attention of the Commission.
   (B)   No owner, or agent of the owner, of any parcel of land located in a proposed subdivision shall transfer or sell any such a parcel before a plat of such subdivision has been approved by the Commission, in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, and filed with the County Recorder.
   (C)   The division of any lot or any parcel of land into subdivision, as defined in this chapter, by the use of metes and bounds description for the purpose of sale, or transfer, or lease resulting in the creation of one or more new building sites shall not be permitted. All such described divisions shall be subject to all of the appropriate requirements of this chapter.
   (D)   No improvement location permit (building permit) required under the Uniform Building Code, the zoning ordinance or this chapter shall be issued on any property subject to this chapter until the provisions of this chapter have been set.
(Ord. 174, § 109, passed 6-11-90)