All proposed plats submitted for Commission approval under the provisions of this chapter shall allocate adequate areas for streets, in conformity with the comprehensive plan, and thoroughfare plan, and shall designate and label all such streets thereon in accordance with the following definitions, specifications and requirements regarding platted width, right-of-way and control of access thereto.
(A) Collector street. Any street designated and labeled as a “collector street” shall be designed, planned and intended to serve as a collector and distributor of vehicular traffic in conformance with the comprehensive plan, to carry vehicular traffic to and from the major arterial road system of the county, with partial control of access thereto, and shall include but not be limited to entrance streets of residential subdivisions. Minimum width of right-of-way for a collector street shall be 50 feet. Partial control of access to collector streets shall be exercised so as to permit access to each lot abutting thereon.
(B) Local access street. Any street designated and labeled as a “local access street” shall be designed, planned, and intended, in conformance with the comprehensive plan, to provide access to abutting lots. Minimum width of right-of-way for a local access street shall be 50 feet.
(Ord. 174, § 406, passed 6-11-90) Penalty, see § 153.999