   (A)   Pre-design conference. Prior to submitting any of the materials required by this chapter, the applicant or his or her representative should discuss with the Administrator the nature of the land division being proposed. The applicant will be advised of the classification of his or her subdivision and the relevant regulatory procedures which must be followed to secure primary and secondary approval. Where applicable, requirements concerning the general layout of streets and for reservations of land, street improvements, drainage, sewerage, fire protection, and similar matters as well as the availability of existing services should be discussed. The Administrator shall also advise the applicant, where appropriate, to discuss the proposed land division with those other officials who must eventually approve those aspects of the subdivision plat coming within their jurisdiction. The distinction between major and minor subdivisions and exempt divisions as defined in this chapter, shall be made by the Administrator when the applicant submits an application for sketch plan approval in the case of major and minor subdivisions. In the case of exempt divisions, the applicant will be required to submit adequate information to enable the Administrator to adequate information to enable the Administrator to determine that the proposed division is an exempt division.
   (B)   Classification of land divisions.
      (1)   All land to be divided shall be categorized into one of the three classes of land division:
         (a)   Major subdivision;
         (b)   Minor subdivisions; and
         (c)   Exempt divisions.
      (2)   Exempt divisions are not subject to the requirements of this chapter beyond the determination by the Administrator that they meet all the requirements for exempt divisions set forth in § 153.024 herein. Before any permit shall be granted for a structure to be erected on a parcel of land to be created or altered by an exempt division, the land divider or his or her agent shall certify to the satisfaction of the Administrator that all requirements for exemption have been met, as detailed in § 153.024 of this chapter.
      (3)   Before any permit shall be granted for a structure to be erected on land to be subdivided into a major or minor subdivision, the subdividing owner or his or her subdivision agent shall apply for and secure approval of the proposed subdivision in accordance with § 153.021 and either § 153.022 or § 153.023 of this chapter as appropriate.
(Ord. 174, § 300, passed 6-11-90)