§ 153.001 TITLE.
   These regulations shall hereafter be known and cited as the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Prince's Lakes, Indiana.
(Ord. 174, § 100, passed 6-11-90)
§ 153.002 POLICY.
   (A)   Conformance to applicable rules and regulations. In addition to the requirements established herein, all subdivision plats shall comply with the following laws, rules, and regulations:
      (1)   All applicable state and local statutory provisions;
      (2)   The town zoning ordinance, building code, and all other applicable laws of the town;
      (3)   The comprehensive plan and official map, including all streets, drainage systems, and parks shown on the official map or comprehensive plan as adopted;
      (4)   The special requirements of these regulations and any rules of the state or county health departments and/or other appropriate state agencies;
      (5)   Plat approval may be withheld if a subdivision is not in conformity with the above guides and requirements or with the policies and purposes of these regulations established in § 153.003 and 153.004 of this chapter.
   (B)   Self-imposed restrictions. If the owner places restrictions on any of the land contained in the subdivision greater than those required by the zoning ordinance or these regulations, such restrictions or reference thereto may be required to be indicated on the subdivision plat, or the Commission may require that restrictive covenants be recorded with the County Recorder in the form to be approved by the Town Attorney.
(Ord. 174, § 101, passed 6-11-90)