BACKFLOW: Any flow, actual or potential, intentional or otherwise, of any liquid, gas or substance from a customer service back into the city water system.
BACKFLOW PREVENTION: The elimination of any backflow through the use of a backflow prevention assembly.
BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY: Any device approved by the purveyor that will eliminate backflow into the city water system.
BASE UNIT: A single-family residence, apartment or commercial unit.
BASE UNIT CHARGE: The monthly amount charged for sewer service for each base unit, and shall be as prescribed by the city council and specified in the rate schedule.
CITY: The municipal corporation known as the city of Priest River, or the city council of the city of Priest River, or the staff of the city of Priest River. The exact meaning shall depend upon the context used.
CITY LIMITS: The limits of the incorporated city of Priest River.
CITY SEWER SYSTEM: The sewer system, governed and administered by the city, the purpose of which is the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage. The city sewer system includes all collection, transportation, treatment and disposal facilities.
CITY WATER SYSTEM: The water system of the city of Priest River, governed and administered by the city, intended or used for fire protection, human consumption or other domestic or nondomestic purposes for the citizens of the city and areas under the jurisdiction of the city. The city water system includes all source, treatment, storage, transmission and distribution facilities.
CONTAMINATION: The introduction into, or the presence of, in the city water system any liquid, gas or substance that, when present in the city water system above an acceptable level (as determined by the DEQ), may adversely affect the health of the water consumer and/or the aesthetic qualities of the water.
CROSS CONNECTION: Any physical arrangement connecting the city water system, directly or indirectly, with anything capable of causing contamination of the city water system as a result of a backflow.
CUSTOMER: An owner who has been granted utility services, or any portion thereof, by completing an application for utility services.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: A physical connection furnishing water between the city water system and a customer's water system.
DELINQUENT NOTICE: A notice sent by the city to a delinquent customer informing them that they are delinquent on payment of utility service charges. Such notice shall be contained in the regular billing of utility service charges mailed to the customer. The delinquent notice shall contain information as to the amount of utility service charges due and payable, and a notice that in fifteen (15) days, a twenty four (24) hour notice shall be issued. Such delinquent notice shall be mailed to the customer's last known address by regular mail, and its receipt shall be presumed.
DEQ: The Idaho department of health and welfare, department of environmental quality.
MULTI-UNIT: A single parcel with more than one residential or commercial occupancy unit.
OWNER: The legal owner of record, or the legal representative of the legal owner of record, of a particular real property.
PUBLIC UTILITY SYSTEM: Any water system or sewer system, or part thereof, constructed within city rights of way, or upon city property, or property under the jurisdiction of the city, intended to be connected to a city water system or city sewer system, the purpose of which is to procure, treat, transport, store, deliver or measure water for the city water system, or to collect, transport, treat, measure or dispose of wastewater, or wastewater treatment byproducts, for the city sewer system.
RATE SCHEDULE: The current resolution, passed by the city council, specifying the schedule of water and sewer connection fees, and other charges and fees, charged by the city.
SEWER SYSTEM: The network of piping, manholes, cleanouts, pumping stations and other facilities and appurtenances used to construct, in city rights of way and easements, a system, the purpose of which is to provide for the collection and transportation of sanitary sewage to a wastewater treatment facility. A sewer system shall, at least at one point, be connected to the existing city sewer system.
TWENTY FOUR HOUR NOTICE: A notice hand delivered to a delinquent customer notifying the delinquent customer of the city's intention to discontinue water service, as a means of enforcement of payment of utility service charges, in twenty four (24) hours. Such notice shall be delivered no less than twenty four (24) hours before the city effects discontinuation. Such notice shall be posted at the delinquent customer's service address, and shall contain the date and time of water service discontinuation, the current and past due utility service charges, and the terms and cost of water service recontinuation.
UTILITY SERVICE CHARGES: Any and all charges billed by the city for utility services and shall include all fees, fines, remediation charges, utility services discontinuation and recontinuation charges and other penalties or charges legally assessed by the city or by a county, state or federal court in accordance with the provisions of this code.
UTILITY SERVICES: All water, sewer, refuse collection and related services, or any portion thereof, provided by, or under the authority of, the city.
WATER SYSTEM: The network of piping, water service lines and meters, valves, fire hydrants, fittings, pumps, storage facilities and appurtenances used to construct, in city rights of way and easements, a system, the purpose of which is to provide for the delivery of potable and fire protection water. A water system shall, at least at one point, be connected to the existing city water system. (Ord. 482, 6-5-2006)