A.   Removal Requirements:
      1.   It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of any premises abutting or adjoining any public sidewalk to remove all snow and/or ice from such sidewalk whenever any such snow and/or ice reaches a depth of two inches (2") or greater.
      2.   Unless otherwise provided, snow removed from any sidewalk or parking area within the city shall not be thrown, shoveled or placed in the streets or gutters of the city. In areas of the city where snow is regularly picked up by the city and hauled from the streets, only snow removed from sidewalks within the right of way shall be permitted to be placed in the streets and gutters. (Ord. 482, 6-5-2006)
      3.   Except as provided under subsection A2 of this section, snow shall not be thrown, shoveled or placed onto a city right of way or alley. Furthermore, snow removed from any property, residential or commercial, shall not be thrown, shoveled or placed on the property of another owner without the permission of said property owner, nor shall snow be thrown, shoveled or placed so as to block the view of drivers at street intersections. (Ord. 493, 12-18-2006)
   B.   Failure To Comply: Upon failure of an owner or occupant to comply with the provisions of this section, the city shall have the right to remove such snow and/or ice and assess the cost thereof against the premises abutting the sidewalk. Such assessment is to be certified to the county assessor and such charge shall be placed on the assessment roll and collected in the same manner as other municipal taxes are collected.
Violations of any of the provisions of this section or failure to comply with any of its requirements shall constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction, subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. Each day such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. (Ord. 482, 6-5-2006)