18.08.020: PURPOSE:
   A.   The purpose of sign regulations set forth in this chapter shall be to coordinate the type, placement and physical dimensions of signs within the city; to recognize the various commercial communication requirements of all sectors of the business community; to encourage the innovative use of design; to promote both renovation and proper maintenance; to allow for special circumstances; and to guarantee equal treatment under law through accurate record keeping and consistent enforcement. These objectives shall be accomplished by regulation of display, erection, use and maintenance of signs. The use and location of signs are regulated according to zoning district. The placement and physical dimensions of signs are regulated primarily by type.
   B.   Further purposes are to minimize potential hazards to motorists and pedestrians; to encourage signs which, by their design, are integrated with and harmonious to the buildings and sites which they occupy; to encourage sign legibility through the elimination of excessive and confusing sign displays; to reduce driver inattention; to preserve and improve the appearance of the city as a place in which to live and to work as an attraction to nonresidents who come to visit or trade; to safeguard and enhance property values; to limit or forbid signs which interfere with solar access of adjacent properties; to protect public and private investment in buildings and open spaces; to supplement and be a part of the regulations imposed under the zoning authority of the city. (Ord. 2008-002, 2008)