The quality of life in a community is enhanced when it has a system of recreational trails, including bicycle, pedestrian, and equestrian paths and facilities. A trails system also acts as an asset to the city transportation network. Increased levels of walking and bicycling due to the creation of these facilities leads to a cleaner environment and a healthier population.
Safety for bicycles is an important issue. According to the "Bicycle And Pedestrian Planning Guide, Parsons Brinckerhoff", Utah's bicycle fatality rate is thirty six percent (36%) higher than the national average, which is caused by a lack of safe bicycle corridors. Many local trips that Price residents currently make in their cars might be made on foot or by bicycle if they could do so on established safe trail corridors.
Where practical, bicycle and pedestrian paths in Price should: a) be separated from vehicular traffic; b) be constructed with separated bike and pedestrian lanes; and c) provide a connection between parks and open spaces.
Planning for equestrian and OHV recreational trails is also important to the community of Price, in terms of both recreation and tourism. The planning and development of such trails should be coordinated with county and regional trails organizations.
(Ord. 2004-001, 2004)