The zoning and subdivision ordinances, as found in the Price City land development code, shall carry out the land use element. Other sections of the city code, however, may also carry out parts of this element.
1. Promote an attractive, stable, and economically sustainable environment throughout the city.
A. Sustain development standards that ensure attractive, stable nonresidential uses.
i. Review and update the land development code, including zoning classifications and development standards for all nonresidential uses, and consolidate and streamline language in the code.
0-1 year
City council, planning commission, building and zoning, community director
B. Establish an environment which is friendly to new industries that diversify the economic base, use local labor, and are sensitive to environmental concerns.
i. Maintain comprehensive and streamlined permitting processes for new site plans.
0-20 years
Building and zoning
C. Develop a new business and industrial park in Price, which may possibly be owned by the city.
i. Perform a needs assessment for a business and industrial park.
0-2 years
City council, community director
ii. Prepare and adopt a plan for a Price City business and industrial park.
0-2 years
City council, planning commission, community director
iii. Oversee the development and promotion of the business park.
0-10 years
City council, community director
D. Foster regional shopping in areas near Highway 6 and major city corridors.
i. Maintain existing regional shopping areas on major corridors.
0-20 years
City council, community director
E. Encourage existing commercial uses to improve and maintain buildings and landscaping.
i. Continue and improve proactive zoning enforcement.
0-20 years
Building and zoning
2. Encourage attractive, stable, and safe residential neighborhoods.
A. Encourage desirable and compatible mixtures of residential densities throughout the city.
i. Maintain the nature of established single-family residential areas, while providing for a mix of multi- family uses in various locations in the city.
0-20 years
City council, community director
B. Require good traffic circulation patterns from residential to collector streets in all new residential subdivisions.
i. Review and update development standards for all applicable street widths and street designs, including traffic calming devices for neighborhood streets.
0-1 year
City council, public works, community director
ii. Encourage the development of through streets, ensuring the even distribution of traffic.
0-20 years
City council, public works
C. Encourage neighborhood stability and beautification through maintenance of properties.
i. Promote property maintenance through proactive zoning enforcement.
0-20 years
City council, building and zoning, community director
ii. Encourage participation in volunteer beautification programs.
0-20 years
City council, building and zoning, community director
iii. Continue recognizing homes with nice yards through the yard of the month program.
0-20 years
City council, building and zoning, community director
3. Preserve open spaces in the built environment and other areas around the city through land use planning.
A. Establish regulations which results in open space preservation in new developments.
i. Adopt an ordinance which establishes the use and parameters of open space, including clustering and other open space preservation methods.
0-2 years
City council, planning commission, building and zoning, community director
B. Encourage private property owners to preserve open space.
i. Explore methods such as a transfer of development rights (TDR) program for possible adoption.
0-2 years
City council, building and zoning, community director
ii. Schedule and invite the public to seminars with public and private lands trust agencies.
0-20 years
Building and zoning, community director
C. Support open space preservation efforts along Price River, Meads Wash, Price Canal and on Wood Hill, as well as other parcels for parks and trails throughout the city.
i. Adopt an ordinance regulating the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas.
0-2 years
City council, planning commission, community director
ii. Devise a plan and priorities for acquiring parcels planned for parks and open spaces.
0-5 years
City council, community director, public works
iii. Develop a parkway along the Price River and Meads Wash.
0-10 years
City council, community director, public works
iv. Establish an open space preserve on Wood Hill, and other hills to the north of current boundaries, when annexed.
0-10 years
City council, community director, public works
v. Encourage and enforce the allocation of open space for planned neighborhood parks, recreation trails or other open spaces where possible.
0-20 years
City council, planning commission, community director, public works
vi. Create a citizen study committee to recommend additional areas/parcels to be preserved as part of Price's preservation efforts.
0-5 years
City council
(Ord. 2004-001, 2004)