A.   Container Requirements: No owner or occupant of any public or private premises shall permit to accumulate in or upon his premises any garbage, except in covered containers. Such containers shall be constructed in such a manner as to be strong, not easily corrodible, rodentproof, with two (2) handles, a capacity of not more than thirty (30) gallons, with tight covers which shall be in place at all times, except when garbage is being deposited therein or removed therefrom. Such containers shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times, and shall be kept in a place, rack or device that will prevent them from being overturned by animals.
   B.   Additional Regulations: The city council may provide, by resolution, regulations concerning the containers and receptacles that shall be required for refuse and trash, other than garbage, and the manner in which boxes, papers, tree cuttings and all odd articles shall be bundled, contained, tied or otherwise prepared for collection and disposal. (Prior code § 7-3-2)