(A)   All persons, corporations, business entities and commercial establishments within the city limits shall be responsible for the separation of their refuse into the following categories.
      (1)   Recyclables.
      (2)   Compostable garbage.
      (3)   Landfill materials including bulky wastes, as defined in § 50.22.
      (4)   Construction debris.
      (5)   Yard and garden wastes.
      (6)   Tires.
   (B)   All compostable garbage shall be separated in such a manner as to be free of all other categories of refuse; all recyclables shall be separated in such a manner as to be free of any other category of refuse; and all landfill materials shall be separated in such a manner as to be free of any and all other categories of refuse. All recyclables shall be covered and protected from the weather.
(Ord. 194, passed 11-28-1989) Penalty, see § 10.99