No person, firm, or corporation shall unload, dump or deposit upon that certain parcel of land, commonly known as the city dump grounds, any garbage, offal, ashes or other substances or materials of any kind, and the city dumping grounds shall be permanently closed from any dumping on the effective date of this chapter. The parcel of land known as the city dump grounds is situated in Fillmore County, and is described as follows.
Commencing at the southeast corner of the southeast quartet of the southeast quarter, section 1, Township 102 north of range 11 west, running thence west 841.5 feet, thence north 80 degrees 2 minutes east 18.5 feet, thence north 61 degrees 27 minutes east 181 feet, thence north 42 degrees 55 minutes east 846 feet, thence north 20 degrees 55 minutes east 212.5 feet to a point 905 feet north of the southeast corner of said section 1, thence south to place of beginning; also the north 2 acres of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, section 12, Township 102 north of range 11 west; also beginning at a point 33 feet south of the northeast corner of section 12, Township 102 north of range 11 west, running thence south 502 feet, thence north 68 degrees west 1,338 feet, thence east 1,240 feet to place of beginning,
(Ord. 153, passed 9-1-1975) Penalty, see § 10.99