Subdivisions shall comply with all the applicable performance standards of this title and the following design requirements:
   A.   General Requirements: Subdivisions shall be designed to minimize the length of roads and utility lines required by their development; exposure to natural hazards and damage to natural assets, including soil erosion and the acceleration of storm and melt water runoff; exposure to nuisances, including traffic; and conflict with neighboring land uses.
   B.   Permitted Use Accommodated: Every lot created shall be capable of accommodating a permitted use allowed by this title.
   C.   Double Frontage Lots: No double frontage lots shall be created.
   D.   Side Lot Lines: Side lot lines shall run as nearly perpendicular to the street as possible. The creation of acutely angular lots shall be avoided, except where necessary to accommodate the terrain or previously existing property lines. A utility easement of five feet (5') in width shall be provided along all side and rear lot lines.
   E.   Taxing Jurisdiction: No lot shall be divided by the boundaries of any taxing jurisdiction. (Ord. 2010-08, 10-12-2010)