A large-scale development includes forty (40) or more residential lots or units or commercial uses that will potentially generate four hundred (400) or more average daily trips.
   A.   Purpose; Inclusions: Large-scale developments shall provide additional on- and off-site public facilities necessitated by their development. Such facilities shall be provided in compliance with all requirements of this title and may include: off-site runoff and erosion control measures; central sewerage systems; such off-site road improvements as deceleration or acceleration lanes, left turn lanes, signs or signals, and bridges or culverts; solid waste transfer stations; emergency services buildings and apparatus, including fire engines and ambulances; neighborhood parks (which may include space used for recreational trails) at a rate of two (2) acres per 1,000 population; and school buildings, including additions to existing buildings.
   B.   Development Study; Fees; Hearing: The public facilities' needs of any large-scale development shall be determined through a fact-finding process conducted by the PZC, at the expense of the developer. The commission may retain professional planners and/or engineers to conduct this study, the purpose of which shall be to determine what new facilities' needs may be attributed to the proposed development. The large-scale development study process shall be conducted as follows:
      1.   The Administrator shall determine whether a proposed development is a "large-scale development" as defined by this title;
      2.   The Administrator shall not approve a permit for or schedule a hearing on an application determined to be for a large-scale development, but shall, instead, place initiation of a large- scale development study on the agenda of the next regular commission meeting; at which
      3.   The commission shall review the application. If it confirms the Administrator's determination, the commission shall require a large-scale development study.
      4.   Where a large-scale development study is required, the developer shall place a deposit with the Administrator in the amount required by the resolution establishing fees for the administration of this title. The Administrator shall retain appropriate professional assistance for the study, drawing against the deposit as necessary. Additional actual costs shall be billed to the developer, with such costs being paid before a hearing on the application is scheduled. Any unused funds shall be returned to the developer upon completion of the study.
      5.   An application shall be considered complete and a hearing conducted only after completion of the large-scale development study.
   C.   Fire Protection: Large-scale developments shall be in, or annexed to, a fire protection district 1 .
Exception: A mine or similar resource-dependent development may provide its own fire protection. (Ord. 2019-01, 1-14-2019)



1. As provided by IC § 31-1401 et seq.