A. Minimum Requirements: All provisions of this title shall be interpreted as the minimum requirements necessary to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare, and to implement the Local Planning Act and the Comprehensive Plan. This title is designed to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and should be liberally construed to achieve its purposes and intent.
B. Relationship To Other Laws: When future County ordinances, or State or Federal laws, impose additional standards on activities regulated by this title, the most restrictive standard shall govern.
C. Burden Of Proof: The burden of proof shall, in all proceedings pursuant to this title, rest with the developer.
D. Liability: No individual, including Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) members, or the Administrator or other County employees, who acts in good faith and without malice in the performance of duties assigned by this title, shall be held liable for errors or omissions in its administration. Any suit brought against such an individual shall be defended by the County and any judgment resulting from such a suit shall be the liability of the County.
E. Severability: If any provision of this title is held to be invalid by any court, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect.
F. Effective Date: This title shall become effective upon publication, as required by law. (Ord. 2019-01, 1-14-2019)