(a) Except as herein otherwise expressly provided, no person shall park any truck, tractor or trailer, or permit the same to be parked, on any of the streets or alleys within any residential zones of the City, as defined in the Zoning Code, at any time on Sundays and legal holidays, and between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on any other day.
(b) The provisions of this section shall not apply to a truck, tractor or trailer which is parked while loading or unloading merchandise, nor to the parking of such truck, tractor or trailer during the time when the driver or operator thereof has stopped to eat, or for other necessary purposes, such as Interstate Commerce Commission or Public Utilities Commission inspections, provided, however, that such parking shall in no event be for a longer period than one hour. The provisions of this section shall also be inapplicable to parking necessitated by an emergency or by an act of God.
(c) For the purposes of this section, "truck" is defined as any motor vehicle designed for carrying loads on its own chassis and with a rated capacity of one ton or more. "Tractor" is defined as any motor vehicle having motive power designed or used for drawing other motor vehicles, or designed or used for drawing another vehicle while carrying a portion of such other motor vehicle or its load, or both. "Trailer" is defined as any vehicle without motive power designed or used for carrying property or persons wholly on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle, and includes any such vehicle when formed by or operated as a combination of a semitrailer and a vehicle of the dolly type such as that commonly known as a trailer dolly, including house trailers. (Ord. 1955-98. Passed 8-22-55.)